Marseille Workshop on Scientific Data Preservation
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
The preservation of unique data sets produced by large experimental installations is of permanent concern and has been addressed in various disciplines at different levels. The activity in high energy physics is relatively recent and has been steered by the ICFA panel "Data Preservation in High Energy Physics" (DPHEP). The series of workshops organised by DPHEP has always been open to exchanges with other disciplines. Taking the opportunity of the 6th DPHEP international meeting organised in the opening, the workshop will be devoted to the enhancement of the common reflection on the scientific grounds for data preservation and to exchanges on the associated methods and techniques, with the goal to initiate new projects and collaborations. The last day of the meeting is devoted to a discussion on funding strategies.
The meeting is co-organised within PREDON, a collaborative project supported by the multi-disciplinary mission of CNRS within the programme MASTODONS.
Anne Laurent
Bodhitha Jayatilaka
Christian Surace
Concetta Cartaro
Cristinel Diaconu
Daniele Gregori
David South
Dmitry Ozerov
Emmanuel Le Guirriec
Gang Chen
Ghita Rahal
Heidi Schellman
Jamie Shiers
Janusz Malka
Jean-Yves Nief
katarzyna wichmann
Kati Lassila-Perini
Luca Dellagnello
Marcello Maggi
Marco Cattaneo
Marion Massol
Michael Diesburg
Michael Steder
michele pezzi
Mihaela Gheata
Mustapha Lebbah
Noel Novelli
Philippe Prat
Qizhong Li
Sabine McConnell
Salima Benbernou
Salvatore Mele
Silvia Amerio
Sophie Nicoud
Stephen Wolbers
Sunje Dallmeier-Tiessen
Volker Guelzow