Exact Results in SUSY Gauge Theories in Various Dimensions

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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Boris Samuel Pioline (CERN), Piljin Yi (Korean Institute For Advanced Studies), Seok Kim (Seoul National University), Wolfgang Lerche (CERN - PH/TH)
During the past few years, there have been extensive studies on exactly calculable quantities of supersymmetric gauge theories in diverse dimensions, where one key for the success was the localization technique. Many old and challenging problems were revisited, and new territories are being explored with help of exactly calculable observables. Such breakthroughs have been seen in diverse dimensions: quantum mechanical studies leading to deep insights on wall-crossing, 2d GLSM and their implications to string theory, a large class of 3d/4d gauge theories with much new insights on their nonperturbative properties, and the studies on the enigmatic 6d (2,0) theory. Some of the key observables are various manifestations of equivariant indices, partition functions on compact manifolds such as on spheres, expectation values of extended supersymmetric operators, and so on. With the field exploding rapidly and broadly, it is timely to gather the experts for sharing insights and broad perspectives. This workshop is funded jointly by CERN and by the Korean Government under the CERN-Korea Collaboration agreement. Organizers: S. Kim, W. Lerche, B. Pioline, P. Yi
  • Abhijit Gadde
  • Antonio Sciarappa
  • Boris Samuel Pioline
  • Bruce Campbell
  • Bruno Le Floch
  • Carlo Angelantonj
  • Cyril Closset
  • Davide Cassani
  • Denis Klevers
  • Domenico Orlando
  • Dongmin Gang
  • Elli Pomoni
  • Eric Sharpe
  • Fabrizio Nieri
  • Filippo Passerini
  • Francesco Benini
  • Hans Jockers
  • Hee-Cheol Kim
  • Heeyeon Kim
  • Ilias Kyritsis
  • Jaemo Park
  • Jaewon Song
  • Jan Manschot
  • Jaume Gomis
  • Jnanadeva Maharana
  • Johannes Schmude
  • Kazuo Hosomichi
  • Kentaro Hori
  • Kimyeong Lee
  • Marcos Marino
  • Mauricio Romo
  • Maxim Zabzine
  • Nadav Drukker
  • Noppadol Mekareeya
  • Piljin Yi
  • Rob Knoops
  • Seok Kim
  • Sergei Gukov
  • Sergio Benvenuti
  • Seung-Joo Lee
  • Silviu Pufu
  • Stefano Cremonesi
  • Sungjay Lee
  • Susanne Reffert
  • Tomeu Fiol
  • Vasily Pestun
  • Vladimir Mitev
  • Wolfgang Lerche
  • Zohar Komargodski