FCC-ee/TLEP physics workshop (TLEP7)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


Show room on map

This is the 7th in the series of TLEP-related workshops. It follows on from the sucessful 6th TLEP workshop that took place at CERN on 16-18 October 2013, and the FCC kick-off meeting held on 12-15 February 2014 at University of Geneva.

The workshop is open to all FCC-ee /TLEP design study members, and more generally to all interested in a precision Z, W, H, top factory. The  focus will be on physics and experiments at the FCC-ee. One or two presentations will summarize progress and issues with the accelerator design.

The workshop starts on Thursday at 14:00 and ends on Saturday at noon. Registration is now open: please go to Registration and fill the form. If you need a card to access the CERN site, please email anybody from the organizing committee.

 The program is now final. If you have new ideas etc.. your are very welcome to express them in the discussion session or in writing. The next workshop will take place in Paris 27-29 October 2014.

Please visit the FCC-ee / TLEP web site, and subscribe to the design study if you have not yet done so! The FCC-ee is part and parcel of the FCC design study.

Organizing committee:
