Today, it is difficult for a good idea to make its way from one’s office to the next. Good ideas have even harder time to travel across the CERN organization.
The poster forum is open for any group, section, project teams and individuals to present their contributions to the whole CERN community. It will offer opportunities to increase your projects' visibility and for anyone to reuse existing methods, mechanisms, tools and software to ultimately save time and budget.
The Question & Answer session with experts present will take place on May 22nd between 12:00 and 14:00.
A. Antoine et al.: LBDS Trigger Synchronization and Distribution System
A. Suwalska et al.: Technical Infrastructure Monitoring
AT/CRG: Advanced Control in ATLAS
AT/CRG: Conversion of the Cryolab Central Liquefier
AT/CRG: Upgrade of the NA48 Cryo Control System
AT/CRG: Upgrade of the North Area Helium Compressors
AT/CRG: Upgrade of the old ABB Cryo Control System
D. Hoffmann et al.: A PVSS Data Viewer Application
D. Manglunki: The CCC setting standards for the 21st century
F. Calheiros: Automating the configuration of LHC control systems
F. Varela: Software Management of the LHC DCS
G. Maire et al.: The Magnet Control Project
G. Thomas et al.: LHC Gas Systems
J.C. Letra Simoes et al.: Sniffer
L. Granado Cardoso et al.: ATLAS TileCal DCS
L. Wallet et al.: Device Control via PVSS in ALICE
M. Cherney et al.: ALICE ITS Detector Alignment Monitoring
M. Dutour: Software Factory Techniques
M. Gonzalez-Berges et al.: JCOP System Overview Tool
M. Leahu et al.: Access Control Implementation in ATLAS TDAQ
P. Burkhimsher: Scaling Up PVSS
P. Charrue et al.: The DIAMON Project
P.G. Verdini et al.: The CMS Tracker Safety System
P. Milenovic et al.: The DCS for the ECAL of CMS
P. Sollander et al.: Alarms Configuration Management at CERN
R.A. Barlow et al.: The Beam Energy Tracking of the LHC
S. Cabaret: MultiController
S. Deghaye et al.: CTF3 BPM Acquisition System
S. Deghaye et al.: Hardware Abstraction in Analogue