19–21 Nov 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

New Technological Capabilities at CNM

19 Nov 2014, 16:05
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


503-1-001 (Council Chamber) on 19th Nov ; 500-1-001(Main auditorium) on 20th in the morning and 4-3-006 (TH auditorium) in the afternoon; 500-1-001(Main auditorium) on 21st Nov.
Show room on map


Dr David Flores (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC))


In this talk, we will present some technological capabilities that could be of interest for the RD50 community. In this sense, the first results from new PiN diodes integrated on 6-inch N-silicon wafers will be shown. To perform this 6-inch technological process we have upgraded the standard CNM 4-inch process to the new wafer size. Additionally, we will describe the works performed to increase the layout edition capabilities to achieve a full-sensor automatic layout generation using Python. Finally, we will present a description of the technological and electrical characterization resources for silicon detectors at our labs, in particular we will explain our Reverse Engineering procedures that allow a deeper insight on the physical and geometrical properties of the fabricated devices.


Dr David Flores (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC))


Dr David Quirion (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC)) Dr Giulio Pellegrini (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC)) Dr Miguel Ullan Comes (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (ES)) Dr Pablo Fernandez-Martinez (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC)) Dr Salvador Hidalgo (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC)) Dr Virginia Greco (Instituto de Microelectronica de Barcelona (IMB-CNM-CSIC))

Presentation materials