19–21 Nov 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

An Introduction to Edge-TCT measurements on irradiated HV-CMOSv3 sensors

20 Nov 2014, 09:00
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


503-1-001 (Council Chamber) on 19th Nov ; 500-1-001(Main auditorium) on 20th in the morning and 4-3-006 (TH auditorium) in the afternoon; 500-1-001(Main auditorium) on 21st Nov.
Show room on map


Constantin Weisser (University of Manchester (GB))


Passive $100 \times 100 \,\mu$m test diodes in an unirradiated and an $1 \times 10^{15} Neq \,{cm}^{-2}$ irradiated HV2FEI4v3 HV-CMOS silicon sensor were analysed using the edge TCT technique. The observed signal had fast and slow contributions, that were interpreted as drift and diffusion. The former peaked in a region, that was interpreted as the depletion region, while the latter peaked further in the bulk material. Raising the bias voltage increased the depth of the former region, while pushing the latter region further into the bulk. The irradiated sample lost signal strength mainly in its slow part compared to the unirradiated sample, while its quick signal remained largely unaffected. As only the signal interpreted as drift is fast enough to be useful in LHC operation the investigated sensors could be considered radiation hard for this purpose. This gives further promise to the HV CMOS technology for high energy physics applications.


Constantin Weisser (University of Manchester (GB)) Daniel Muenstermann (Universite de Geneve (CH)) Marcos Fernandez Garcia (Universidad de Cantabria (ES))


Christian Gallrapp (CERN) Hannes Neugebauer (Hamburg University (DE)) Michael Moll (CERN)

Presentation materials