TCT techniques and HVCMOS
- Michael Moll (CERN)
Constantin Weisser
(University of Manchester (GB))
20/11/2014, 09:00
Passive $100 \times 100 \,\mu$m test diodes in an unirradiated and an $1 \times 10^{15} Neq \,{cm}^{-2}$ irradiated HV2FEI4v3 HV-CMOS silicon sensor were analysed using the edge TCT technique. The observed signal had fast and slow contributions, that were interpreted as drift and diffusion. The former peaked in a region, that was interpreted as the depletion region, while the latter peaked...
Marcos Fernandez Garcia
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
20/11/2014, 09:20
In high voltage monolithic detectors built on HV-CMOS technology the, usually small, n-well collecting diode is replaced by a long and deep n-well built on a low resistivity p-type substrate. The extended deep n-well allows partial depletion of the lightly doped region lying underneath. Charge collection in the depleted region is by drift. Some other charge may also appear in the depleted...
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
20/11/2014, 09:40
A HVCMOS sensor (HVCMOS2FEI4) was investigated before and after the irradiation with Edge-TCT. Key properties of the charge collection in p substrate were determined by different analysis methods. It was found that diffusion contribution to the the charge collection is reduced, but the depleted region is not affected much after relatively low fluences of up to 5e14 neq/cm2.
Igor Mandić
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
20/11/2014, 10:00
In usual E-TCT measurements focused IR (1064 nm) laser beam is directed to the edge of the detector so that the laser beam is perpendicular to the direction of the strips. In this presentation results of E-TCT measurements with laser beam directed parallel to the strip will be presented and compared with »standard« E-TCT. Measurements were done with HPK mini strip detectors irradiated with neutrons.
Fco. Rogelio Palomo Pinto
(School of Engineering, University of Sevilla)
20/11/2014, 10:20
Silicon is transparent to low intensity laser light with wavelength bigger than 1100 nm: Photon wavelength is beyond the energy gap so there is no possible linear quantum absorption.
Only at the focal point, light intensity can be high enough to switch to simultaneous absorption of two photons with half the gap energy each. This nonlinear absorption opens up a new technique for pair...
Ivan Vila Alvarez
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
20/11/2014, 11:10
Transient Current Techniques (TCT) based on laser-induced currents produced by Single Photon Absorption (SPA) processes in the sensor substrate have been used extensively to study the electric field distribution of irradiated silicon sensors. A new laser-based Transient Current Technique is introduced here for the first time where the free charge carriers are created in a Two Photon Absorption...
Pablo De Castro Manzano
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
20/11/2014, 11:30
TRACS: Transient Current Simulator
An extensible open-source C++ software for the simulation of the
drift dynamics of electrons and holes drift in semiconductor detectors
of complex geometries has been developed in order to understand transient
currents and charge collection efficiencies of arbitrary charge distributions.
The simulation makes use...