Aspen Winter 2009 - Workshop on Physics at the LHC era

Aspen Center for Physics

Aspen Center for Physics

Beate Heinemann (LBL), Ekaterina Malysheva (Cornell), James Rohlf (BU), Veronica Sanz (BU and York U), Yuval Grossman (Cornell)
The first collisions at the LHC, expected in 2009, will usher in a new era of particle physics, providing the first direct look at the TeV energy scale. The effort to understand the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking and the search for new physics beyond the present standard model has brought together experimentalists and theorists working together on a scale not before seen in our field. The LHC will constitute the premier effort in particle physics for the next decade and beyond. Just before the LHC brings collisions, the B factories and Cleo-c will have their full data sets in hand, and we can expect new results from them. Similarly, CDF and D0 will have more data and results to report on. Those experimental results can be reviewed before the LHC turnon. The Aspen 2009 workshop will focus on New Physics at the TeV Scale and its Signatures at the LHC. We plan on bringing both experimental and theoretical experts on LHC physics. Special attention will be given to collider tools and studies for non-supersymmetric new physics (exotics).