12–17 Sept 2016
Szczecin, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Different laws of nature in strong gravitational fields? Study dependence of fine-structure constant on gravitational potential by using white-dwarf spectra

15 Sept 2016, 16:10
Room 5

Room 5

Szczerbcowa 4, 70-503 Szczecin


JITING HU (University of New South Wales)


Constraining variation in fundamental constants offers an important test for physics beyond the Standard Model.

The fine-structure constant (α) might not be constant throughout the universe. Models involving scalar fields coupled to α, the scalar charge depending on environment (e.g. on gravitational potential) naturally lead to α variation. White dwarf photospheres, where the gravitational potential can be ~10^5 times that on Earth, provide an important testbed of such ideas.

In atoms, different transitions have different sensitivities (q) to α variation (Δα/α), which results in a unique pattern of line shifts.
By comparing with laboratory wavelengths, Δα/α can be solved with Monte Carlo method.

In this project, we have used high resolution (R ~144,000) FUV spectra from white dwarf G191-B2B obtained with Hubble Space Telescope. A set of “clean”, unblended FeV absorption lines from photosphere were sampled for the analysis. To better quantify impact of uncertainties in laboratory wavelengths, 2 new experiments have been set to re-measure FeV UV wavelengths. A set of tests for systematics enables us to constrain uncertainties associated with q calculation, Zeeman and Stark shifts, and long-range wavelength distortion in spectrograph. Here we will present our new results and the first comprehensive analysis of systematic errors.


JITING HU (University of New South Wales)


Dr Gillian Nave (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) Mr Jacob Ward (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) Prof. John Barrow (University of Cambridge) Prof. John Webb (University of New South Wales) Dr Julian Berengut (University of New South Wales) Prof. Lydia Tchang-Brillet (Universite UPMC) Prof. Martin Barstow (University of Leicester) Dr Matthew Bainbridge (University of Leicester) Dr Nicole Reindl (University of Leicester) Dr Simon Preval (University of Strathclyde) Dr Tom Ayres (University of Colorado) Prof. Victor Flambaum (University of New South Wales) Mr Vincent Dumont (University of New South Wales) Dr Vladimir Dzuba (University of New South Wales)

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