Varying Constants and Fundamental Cosmology – VARCOSMOFUN’16

from Monday 12 September 2016 (08:00) to Saturday 17 September 2016 (14:00)
Szczecin, Poland

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
12 Sept 2016
13 Sept 2016
14 Sept 2016
15 Sept 2016
16 Sept 2016
17 Sept 2016
Registration (until 09:00) ()
Conference opening (Room 7, 1st floor) (until 09:10) (Room 7)
Plenary session I - Marek Biesiada (University of Silesia) (until 11:00) (Room 7)
09:10 Fundamental constants, gravitation and cosmology – recent developments - Prof. Jean-Philippe Uzan (Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), France)   ()
10:05 Varying constants, cosmology and the puzzle of quantum gravity - Prof. João Magueijo (Imperial College, London, United Kingdom)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary session I - Marek Biesiada (University of Silesia) (until 12:30) (Room 7)
11:30 Search for New Physics with Atomic Clocks - Dr Ekkehard Peik (PTB)   (Room 7)
Plenary session II - John Webb (UNSW) (until 11:00) (Room 7)
09:00 Frequency ratios of optical lattice clocks at the 17th decimal place - Prof. Hidetoshi Katori (University of Tokyo, Japan)   ()
10:00 Search for varying constants and new physics from molecular hydrogen - Wim Ubachs (VU University Amsterdam)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary session II - John Webb (UNSW) (until 12:30) (Room 7)
11:30 Measuring α-variation using highly-charged ions: clocks, calculations and astrophysics - Prof. Julian Berengut (University of New South Wales, Australia)   (Room 7)
Plenary session III - Carsten van de Bruck (University of Sheffield) (until 11:00) (Room 7)
09:00 Observations of gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers - Prof. Andrzej Krolak (National Center for Nuclear Studies)   ()
10:00 Varying constants and the cosmological constant problem - David Marsh (University of Cambridge)   ()
11:00 --- Early lunch (BIG-BRUNCH = Big-bang, big-cRUNCH ) ---
Plenary session IV - Leszek Roszkowski (until 11:00) (Room 7)
09:00 Spacetime variations of the varying alpha: The first 1000 high-precision measurements - John Webb (UNSW)   ()
10:00 New, precise and reliable quasar absorption limits on alpha-variation - Michael Murphy (Swinburne University of Technology)   (Room 7)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary session IV - Leszek Roszkowski (until 12:30) (Room 7)
11:30 Fundamental cosmology in the E-ELT era - Carlos Martins (University of Porto)   ()
Plenary session V - Marek Rogatko (until 11:00) (Room 7)
09:00 Disformal electrodynamics: from varying alpha to vacuum Cherenkov radiation - Carsten van de Bruck (University of Sheffield)   ()
10:00 Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Gravitational Waves and Black Holes - John Moffat (Perimeter Institute)   ()
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Plenary session V - Marek Rogatko (until 12:30) (Room 7)
11:30 Predictions from the Quantum Multiverse - Laura Mersini-Houghton (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)   ()
[Phil] Philosophy and cutting edge of physics and cosmology - Mariusz Dabrowski (University of Szczecin) (until 11:30) (Room 7)
09:30 Plato and Modern Physics - Krzysztof Meissner (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw)   (Room 7)
10:30 Where do the laws of physics come from? - Prof. Paul C. W. Davies (Arizona State University, USA)   (Room 7)
11:30 --- Coffee break ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
[OC/GW] Observational cosmology and gravitational waves - Vincenzo Fabrizio Cardone (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Nucleosynthesis predictions and high-precision deuterium measurements - Signe Riemer-Sorensen (University of Oslo)   ()
14:30 Analysing a forecast cosmological redshift drift - Iker Leanizbarrutia Alonso (Universiy of the Basque Country EHU/UPV)   ()
15:00 Searching for optical counterparts to gravitational wave events – and how it might be done by wide field surveys - Adam Zadrozny (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland)   ()
[QC] Quantum gravity and cosmology - Mariam Bouhmadi-Lopez (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Synthetic approach to the singularity problem - Prof. Michael Heller (Vatican Astronomical Observatory; Copernicus Center, Kraków, Poland)   ()
14:25 Cosmological perturbations in dark energy phantom models - Imanol Albarran (Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI))   ()
14:50 Current status on dark energy singularities - Mariam Bouhmadi-Lopez   ()
15:15 Classical and quantum cosmology of Born-Infeld type models - Nick Kwidzinski (Universität zu Köln)   ()
[VC-T] Varying constants – theory - Mikhail Kozlov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 The Relation Between Fundamental Constants and Particle Physics Parameters - Prof. Rodger Thompson (University of Arizona, Steward Observatory)   ()
14:40 Diatomic molecules as probes for variation of fundamental constants - Anastasia Borschevsky (University of Groningen)   ()
15:10 Non-minimally coupled varying constants quantum cosmologies - Adam Balcerzak   ()
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
[OC/GW] Observational cosmology and gravitational waves - Vincenzo Fabrizio Cardone (until 17:40) ()
16:10 Tests and problems of the standard model in Cosmology - Martín López Corredoira (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)   ()
16:40 Energy and momentum transferred by gravitational waves. - Prof. Janusz Garecki (Institute of Mathematics, University of Szczecin)   ()
17:10 On a nonlinear gravitational wave - Dr Hristu Culetu (Ovidius University)   ()
[QC] Quantum gravity and cosmology - Mariam Bouhmadi-Lopez (until 17:50) ()
16:10 The Nonlinear Field Space Theory - Dr Jakub Mielczarek (Jagiellonian University)   ()
16:35 Effects from canonical quantum gravity for slow-roll inflationary models - David Brizuela (University of the Basque Country)   ()
17:00 Perturbation vacua and primordial power spectra in Loop Quantum Cosmology - Daniel Martin de Blas   ()
17:25 Universe's memory and spontaneous coherence in loop quantum cosmology - Tomasz Pawlowski (Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Science)   ()
[VC-T] Varying constants – theory - Mikhail Kozlov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) (until 17:40) ()
16:10 Varying constant theories from thermodynamics perspective - Hussain Gohar (University of Szczecin, Poland)   ()
16:40 Varying constants and cyclic universes - Konrad Marosek (University of Szczecin)   ()
17:10 Varying constants quantum cosmology - Katarzyna Leszczyńska (University of Szczecin)   ()
19:00 --- Welcome reception ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
[DE] Dark energy - Shinji Tsujikawa (Tokyo University of Science) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Phenomenology of MTMG - Prof. Antonio De Felice (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics)   ()
14:35 Effective gravitational couplings for cosmological perturbations in generalized Proca theories - Ryotaro Kase (Tokyo University of Science)   ()
15:10 Thawing model seems to be preferable for dark energy potential in the quintessence scenario - Prof. Hara Tetsuya (Kyoto Sangyo University)   ()
[QE] Quantum entanglement and many-worlds interpretation - Sugumi Kanno (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Cosmological implications of quantum entanglement in the multiverse - Sugumi Kanno   ()
14:35 Vacua and correlators on hyperbolic de Sitter sections - Jan Pieter van der Schaar (University of Amsterdam)   ()
15:10 Quantum Discord in de Sitter spacetime - Prof. Jiro Soda (Kobe University)   ()
[VC-E] Varying constants – laboratory experiments - Ekkehard Peik (PTB) (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Searching for variations of fundamental constants and dark matter using an atomic clock ensemble - Jocelyne Guéna (Observatoire de Paris)   ()
14:30 Tabletop experiments using atomic dysprosium and ytterbium for tests of fundamental physics. - Dr Lykourgos Bougas (Johannes Gutenberg Universität)   ()
15:00 Towards quantum logic spectroscopy of molecular ions - Prof. Piet Schmidt (PTB Braunschweig/LUH Hannover)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
[DE] Dark energy - Shinji Tsujikawa (Tokyo University of Science) (until 17:50) ()
16:10 3-form cosmology: phantom behavior, singularities and interactions - João Morais (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)   ()
16:35 NonLinear Gravitational Waves as Dark Energy in Warped Spacetimes - Dr Reinoud Slagter (Asfyon and Univ of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)   ()
17:00 Vacuum dark energy and spacetime symmetry - Irina Dymnikova (University of Warmia and Mazury)   ()
17:25 Lemaitre class dark energy model for relaxing cosmological constant - Anna Dobosz (University of Warmia and Mazury)   ()
[QE] Quantum entanglement and many-worlds interpretation - Sugumi Kanno (until 17:30) ()
16:10 Observational Consequences of Scalar-tensor Entanglement During Inflation - Nadia Bolis (UC Davis)   ()
16:55 Bell violation in the Sky [talk via Skype] - Dr Sayantan Choudhury (Department of Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)   ()
[VC-E] Varying constants – laboratory experiments - Ekkehard Peik (PTB) (until 16:40) ()
16:10 Constraint on transient variations of fine-structure constants with optical atomic clocks - Piotr Wcislo (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun)   ()
12:00 --- Excursion to the MPI for Plasma Physics in Greifswald ---
12:00 --- Excursion to the Peenemünde Historical Technical Museum ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
[INF/DM] Inflation, early universe and dark matter - Mark Hindmarsh (University of Sussex) (until 15:30) ()
14:00 Higgs Starobinsky inflation - Iberê Kuntz   ()
14:30 Running of the Higgs quartic coupling, gravity and the stability of the Higgs effective potential - Lukasz Nakonieczny (University of Warsaw)   ()
15:00 Running of the Running and Entropy Perturbations During Inflation - Chris Longden (University of Sheffield)   ()
[VC-O] Varying constants – astronomical observations - Michael Murphy (Swinburne University of Technology) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Impact of long-range wavelength-scale distortion on fine-structure constant measurements. - Vincent Dumont   ()
14:25 High-precision limit on variation in the fine-structure constant from a single quasar absorption system - Srdan Kotus (Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing Swinburne University)   ()
14:50 Artifical intelligence applied to the automated analysis of absorption spectra. - Matthew Bainbridge (University of Leicester)   ()
15:15 Dark energy constraints from ESPRESSO tests of the stability of fundamental couplings - Ana Catarina Leite (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
[INF/DM] Inflation, early universe and dark matter - Enrico Maria Sessolo (NCBJ, Warsaw) (until 17:40) ()
16:10 Complete Hamiltonian analysis of cosmological perturbations at all orders - Debottam Nandi   ()
16:40 Less-simplified models of dark matter for direct detection and the LHC - Dr Arghya Choudhury (University of Sheffield)   ()
17:10 Cosmological Isotropization from Symmetry Point of View - Sajid Ali   ()
[VC-O] Varying constants – astronomical observations - Michael Murphy (Swinburne University of Technology) (until 17:50) ()
16:10 Different laws of nature in strong gravitational fields? Study dependence of fine-structure constant on gravitational potential by using white-dwarf spectra - JITING HU (University of New South Wales)   ()
16:35 New constraints on spatial variations of the fine structure constant from clusters of galaxies - Ivan De Martino (Universidad del Pais Vasco)   ()
17:00 Recovering a redshift-extended VSL signal from galaxy surveys - Vincenzo Salzano (University of Szczecin)   ()
17:25 Tests of local Lorentz invariance of post-Newtonian gravity - Dr Lijing Shao (Albert Einstein Institute)   ()
Public lecture -Prof. Paul Davies (Arizona State University, USA) (until 20:00) (Room 7)
18:30 Are We Alone in the Universe? - Prof. Paul C. W. Davies (Arizona State University, USA)   (Room 7)
20:30 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
[MG] Modifications of gravity - Jose Beltran Jimenez (Universite d'Aix-Marseille) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Cosmology of the de Sitter Horndeski models - Nelson Nunes (University of Lisbon)   ()
14:35 Cosmology in genealized Proca theories and beyond - Shinji Tsujikawa (Tokyo University of Science)   ()
15:10 Modified gravity with vector distortion and cosmological applications - Jose Beltran Jimenez (Universite d'Aix-Marseille)   ()
[MV] Multiverse - Salvador Robles (until 15:40) ()
14:00 The false vacuum bubble as the creation of our universe - Dr Lee Wonwoo (CQUeST, Sogang University)   ()
14:35 The cosmological constant problem in piecewise-linear models of quantum gravity - Dr Marko Vojinovic (Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade)   ()
15:10 Observational consequences of an interacting multiverse - Dr Salvador Robles-Perez (IFF-EEBM)   ()
15:40 --- Coffee break ---
[MG] Modifications of gravity - Jose Beltran Jimenez (Universite d'Aix-Marseille) (until 17:30) ()
16:10 Effective gravitational "constant" in scalar-(curvature)tensor and scalar-torsion gravities - Laur Järv (University of Tartu)   ()
16:40 Post-Newtonian parameter in f(R) gravity - Dr Masaaki Morita (Okinawa National College of Technology)   ()
17:10 The Number of Tidal Dwarf Satellite Galaxies in Dependence of Bulge Index - Martín López Corredoira (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)   ()
[QC] Quantum gravity and cosmology (until 17:50) ()
16:10 Entropy/information flux in Hawking radiation - Ana Alonso Serrano (Institute for Fundamental Physics-CSIC)   ()
16:35 Causality for nonlocal phenomena - Tomasz Miller (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
17:00 Causality in "noncommutative spacetimes" - Michal Eckstein (Jagiellonian University)   ()
17:25 From quantum regime to cosmology via forcing and 4-smoothness - Jerzy Krol (University of Silesia)   ()
[Phil] Philosophy and cutting edge of physics and cosmology - Mariusz Dabrowski (University of Szczecin) (until 13:30) (Room 7)
12:00 Do we live in the Best of all Worlds? - The fine tuning of the constants of Nature - Prof. Thomas Naumann (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Room 7)
12:30 How to justify the history of the universe? - Prof. Michael Heller (Vatican Astronomical Observatory; Copernicus Center, Kraków, Poland)   (Room 7)
13:30 --- Closing of the conference ---