Excursion (Wednesday, September 14)
On Wednesday, September 14, in the afternoon there will be an excursion.
During the registration, participants should sign for one of the following options:
- A visit to the Peenemünde Historical Technical Museum in Peenemünde on the Usedom/Uznam island in Germany, where the first V-2 rocket was launched up to 100 km above the ground in 1942, which further led to the construction of the American Saturn-type rockets.
- A visit to the nearby Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (MPI) in Greifswald, Germany with the Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X – now the largest device for fusion experiments in the world.
(This facility has limited visit capacity!)
Please note that the visit to the MPI will be assigned on a “first come, first serve” basis.
Therefore please make an appropriate choice during the process of registration!
Welcome reception (Monday, September 12)
On Monday, September 12, at 19:00
the welcome reception will be held at the restaurant
located in the Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle.
Link to Google Maps:
Zamkowa Restauracja
ul. Rycerska 3
Conference dinner (Thursday, September 15)
On Thursday, September 15, at 20:30
the conference dinner will be held at the restaurant
“Dzika Gęś” [dʒika ɡɛ̃ʃ’ ~ “jeeka gensh”]
located in the Old Town at the Orła Białego square.
Link to Google Maps:
Dzika Gęś Restauracja
plac Orła Białego 1
Take a look at the interior here.