Sep 12 – 17, 2016
Szczecin, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Social Programme

Excursion  (Wednesday, September 14)

On Wednesday, September 14, in the afternoon there will be an excursion.

During the registration, participants should sign for one of the following options:

  1. A visit to the Peenemünde Historical Technical Museum in Peenemünde on the Usedom/Uznam island in Germany, where the first V-2 rocket was launched up to 100 km above the ground in 1942, which further led to the construction of the American Saturn-type rockets.
  2. A visit to the nearby Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (MPI) in Greifswald, Germany with the Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X – now the largest device for fusion experiments in the world.
    (This facility has limited visit capacity!)

Please note that the visit to the MPI will be assigned on a “first come, first serve” basis.
Therefore please make an appropriate choice during the process of registration!


Welcome reception  (Monday, September 12)

On Monday, September 12, at 19:00
the welcome reception will be held at the restaurant


located in the Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle.

Link to Google Maps:

Zamkowa Restauracja
ul. Rycerska 3


Conference dinner  (Thursday, September 15)

On Thursday, September 15, at 20:30
the conference dinner will be held at the restaurant

“Dzika Gęś”  [dʒika ɡɛ̃ʃ’ ~ “jeeka gensh”]

located in the Old Town at the Orła Białego square.

Link to Google Maps:

Dzika Gęś Restauracja
plac Orła Białego 1

Take a look at the interior here.