The talk will focus on different observation strategies that might be used for wide field telescope surveys in order to find electromagnetic (EM) counterpart to gravitational wave (GW) event, and possible implication of finding such counterpart. Information carried by GW and EM bands are complementary. GW brings information about acceleration of the mass in the source when EM carries the information about the outcome of the event. If for example a gravitational wave would be observed jointly with short GRB, than the nature of such event might fully understood. In order to find EM counterparts to GW events LSC-Virgo with many astronomical partners created EM Follow-up project. The strategies of observations for wide field telescopes that I would like to present are derived from observations done by Pi of the Sky telescope for LSC-Virgo in 2010 (Looc-Up project) and 2015 - ... (EM Follow-up project).