12–17 Sept 2016
Szczecin, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

The Speed of Light: A Symmetrically Varying Constant at the Farthest Distance From Us

Not scheduled
Szczecin, Poland

Szczecin, Poland

Maritime University of Szczecin Campus, Szczerbcowa 4, 70-503 Szczecin


Ms Ion Soteropoulos (Apeiron Centre)


As finite observers stationed here and now at the center of our universe, we observe ourselves and our nearby present world as being in a state of rest or low-velocity and conditioned by linear time. The geometry of our present world (space-time) appears to be approximately Euclidean, verifying Euclidean laws and analytic principles of organization. In this Euclidean zero-force world, any quantity of a given kind is seen as a finite and simple thing having at one time a unique magnitude. Light travels Euclidean empty space in a straight line and with a constant speed independent of the motion of the source and the observer. The speed of light, similar to any Euclidean quantity, has at one time a finite and unique magnitude---namely c, which we take as a unity: c = 1.
While we know the main properties of our nearby present world----a simple Euclidean world of immobility or low-velocity----we know nothing about the nature of our ultra-distant universe at the distance of 15 billion light years away and 15 billion years ago. What are the properties of our present world and speed of light in this distant past? Is it possible that at this distant past, our present flat world is infinitely curved into a limiting point of infinite density, and our present Euclidean light of constant and finite speed is infinitely varied into infinite and zero speeds? Is there a maximum limit---a first origin---of our present Euclidean world? Or, does it continue forever? Is there an original light of infinite and zero speeds emitted by the first origin, or is light Euclidean and constant having uniquely a finite speed?
For the Kantian sceptics the above analytic question about the finite or infinite nature of our present world and its Euclidean light is impossible to answer because it constitutes one of the four primitive antinomies of analytic reason. However if we replace empirical analytic reason by synthetic apriori reason---the intellectual faculty of uniting opposites in an all-inclusive physical whole---then what is considered as an unanswerable antinomy, becomes a reconciled complexity in which the opposites coexist.
Beyond our here and now Euclidean world of our finite analytic perception there is a then and there of which we know nothing at present, but may eventually come to know something, if we change the solipsistic, finite- analytic paradigm of dogmatic science into the infinite- synthetic paradigm that corresponds to infinite nature herself.
--- Paris, 25 May, 2016


Ms Ion Soteropoulos (Apeiron Centre)

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