7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
8:30 AM
The case for a dark matter annihilation signal at the Galactic center
dan hooper
9:00 AM
Radiation fields in the Galactic Center, and the Milky Way
Richard Tuffs
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik)
9:30 AM
Latest developments of cosmic-ray propagation modelling codes (in the inner galaxy)
Ralf Kissmann
(University Innsbruck)
10:00 AM
On the Galactic Center excess
Tim Linden
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
--- Free time ---
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
8:30 AM
On Millisecond Pulsars
Fiorenza Donato
(INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
9:00 AM
Dark matter implications of the WMAP/Planck haze
Jennifer Gaskins
9:30 AM
Radio observations of pulsars in the Galactic Center region: status and future perspectives
- Dr
Ralph Eatough
(Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie)
10:00 AM
Young pulsars and the Galactic Center GeV gamma-ray excess
Ryan O'Leary
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
--- Free time ---
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast ---
8:30 AM
Diffuse gamma-ray emission with H.E.S.S.
Mathieu de Naurois
9:00 AM
On the observational and theoretical status of the Fermi bubbles
Anna Franckowiak
9:30 AM
Astrophysics of the Galactic Center, part I
Roland Crocker
(Australian National University)
10:00 AM
Astrophysics of the Galactic Center, part II
Andrew Taylor
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
--- Free time ---
7:00 AM
--- Breakfast and check-out ---
7:59 AM
Departure schedule
8:00 AM
The Fermi-LAT measurement of the Galactic Center
Simona Murgia
(University of California, Irvine)
8:30 AM
Dark Matter Constraints from Fermi-LAT measurement of the Isotropic Gamma-ray Background
Gabrijela Zaharijas
(CEA Saclay)
9:00 AM
Tomographic Constraints on High-Energy Neutrinos of Hadronuclear Origin
Shin'ichiro Ando
(University of Amsterdam)
9:20 AM
Search for axion-like particles signatures in the gamma-ray spectrum of NGC 1275
Manuel Meyer
(Stockholm University)
9:40 AM
Searching for Dark Matter Signals from the Virgo Cluster with the HAWC Observatory
Sergio Hernandez Cadena
10:00 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:20 AM
Improving Measurements of the Fermi-LAT Isotropic Gamma-Ray Background Using Photon-Count Statistics
Siddharth Mishra Sharma
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
Siddharth Mishra Sharma
(Princeton University)
10:40 AM
Galactic dark matter search via phenomenological astrophysics modeling
Xiaoyuan Huang
11:00 AM
The Final Word
John Beacom
(Ohio State University)
2:00 PM
--- Registration transfer 1 ---
2:30 PM
--- Coffee group 1 ---
4:00 PM
--- Registration transfer 2 ---
4:30 PM
--- Coffee group 2 ---
7:30 PM
--- Dinner ---
4:00 PM
--- Coffee & soup ---
4:20 PM
Status and interpretations of the Fermi Gev excess
Francesca Calore
(University of Amsterdam)
4:50 PM
Galactic center analysis with Fermi LAT Pass 8 data and limits on dark matter annihilation.
Dmitry Malyshev
5:20 PM
The anisotropic Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background
Mattia Fornasa
(GRAPPA Institute (University of Amsterdam))
5:50 PM
Angular cross-correlation of gravitational and non-gravitational DM probes
Marco Regis
6:20 PM
--- Dry break ---
6:40 PM
The High Energy Tail of the Galactic Centre Excess
Nicholas Rodd
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
7:00 PM
On the astrophysical origin of the very high energy gamma-ray emission of the Galactic Centre region
Aion Viana
7:20 PM
Unveiling the Gamma-ray Source Count Distribution below the Fermi Detection Limit with Photon Statistics
Hannes-Sebastian Zechlin
7:40 PM
Towards a realistic astrophysical interpretation of the Galactic center excess
Daniele Gaggero
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---
9:00 PM
--- Open discussions ---
4:00 PM
--- Coffee & soup ---
4:20 PM
Using the extragalactic gamma-ray background to study dark matter annihilation
Shunsaku Horiuchi
(UC Irvine)
4:50 PM
Gamma-ray emission from the recently discovered dwarf galaxy Reticulum II
Savvas Koushiappas
(Brown University)
5:20 PM
Overview of the Fermi-LAT dwarf galaxy measurements and dark matter searches
Brandon Anderson
(University of Stockholm)
5:50 PM
Overview of indirect TeV searches for dark matter
Christian Farnier
(Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University)
6:20 PM
--- Dry break ---
6:40 PM
Inference of Dim Gamma-Ray Point Sources Using Probabilistic Catalogues
Tansu Daylan
(Harvard University)
7:00 PM
A Probabilistic Catalogue of Unresolved High Latitude Fermi LAT Sources
Stephen Portillo
(Harvard University)
7:20 PM
Strong Support for the Millisecond Interpretation of the Galactic Center GeV excess
Richard Bartels
(University of Amsterdam)
7:40 PM
Prospects for dark matter searches with CTA towards the inner Galactic halo and nearby dwarf galaxies
Valentin lefranc
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---
9:00 PM
--- Open discussions ---
4:00 PM
--- Coffee & soup ---
4:20 PM
Cosmic ray propagation and the diffuse galactic emission
Stefano Gabici
4:50 PM
The Dark Matter distribution in the inner galaxy
Miguel Pato
(OKC Stockholm)
5:20 PM
On disrupted globular clusters
- Dr
Timothy Brandt
(Institute for Advanced Study)
5:50 PM
DM antiproton bounds and their connection with Galactic Center excess DM interpretation
- Dr
Carmelo Evoli
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
6:20 PM
--- Dry break ---
6:40 PM
Gamma rays as a probe of non-standard diffusion properties
Alfredo Leonardo Urbano
7:00 PM
Cosmic-ray propagation models and their impact on indirect dark-matter searches
Antje Putze
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
7:20 PM
Study of the diffuse emissions with the H.E.S.S. experiment
Tania Garrigoux
7:40 PM
Probing Minimal Dark Matter Scenarios with Cherenkov Telescopes
Camilo Alfredo Garcia Cely
(Université Libre de Brussels)
8:00 PM
--- Dinner ---
9:00 PM
--- Open discussions ---