Jun 18 – 23, 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Author information

The ERL17 scientific program will consist of invited oral, contributed oral, and poster presentations. The International Program Committee (IPC) and Working Group conveners will evaluate contributions that request consideration as contributed oral presentations, and decide which of these will be presented as contributed orals or as posters.

Contributions will not be accepted for publication only. Any work accepted for presentation but not presented at the workshop will be excluded from the proceedings.

To maintain the traditional high standard of the proceedings, and to keep them to a reasonable size, authors are reminded that only novel, original work should be submitted. Papers which have been published elsewhere will be rejected. Authors of more than one paper are invited to consider whether these contributions could be combined into a single paper, with due reference to other publications or internal notes.

In the interest of fostering discussion at the ERL17 workshop, posters shall be put up on Monday morning and kept there until Thursday afternoon. There will be a daily poster session at the afternoon coffee breaks where posters can be presented. The posters shall be manned at least at two of these poster sessions.

In case of issues with the submission system, please contact ERL17.Editors@cern.ch.