Jun 18 – 23, 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone

Workshop dinner (21 June)

The Workshop Dinner will take place on the evening of Wednesday 21 June from 19:30 at the restaurant the Edelweiss in the heart of Geneva. A bus has been organised to take participants from CERN to the restaurant and back. The bus will depart from bldg.39 at 18:30.

The menu will consist of typical Swiss delicacies. If you have any special dietary requirements specify them on the registration form and we will accommodate your needs.

Red and white wine from Geneva, beers, fruit juices, served with an assortment of dried meat from Switzerland (viande séchée du valais, saucissons, jambon cru des grisons) as well as Swiss cheese (Gruyère and tête de moine).

Vins rouge et blanc de Genève, bières, jus de fruits, servis avec un assortiment de viandes de Suisse (viande séchée du valais, saucissons, jambon cru des grisons) ainsi que du fromage Suisse (Gruyère and tête de moine).



Dégustation fondue fromage

Cheese fondue tasting


Plat principal/Main

Fondue Bourguignonne
Pommes frites & quatre sauces
Served with white and red wine from Geneva.

Meat fondue (cooked in oil)
Homemade french fries and sauces
Servi avec du vin blanc et du vin rouge de Genève



Meringue «Seydoux» glacée à la crème de Gruyère

Meringues and double cream from Gruyère


Coffee or tea/ café ou thé


NB: The cost of dinner for accompanying persons will be CHF110. Additional tickets must be purchased at the time of registration.