Francois Arleo(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Gian Michele Innocenti(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Matthew Nguyen(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Yen-Jie Lee(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
The goal of this workshop is to gather experts on experimental and theoretical aspects of jet physics in heavy-ion collisions and discuss the state-of-the art and further improvements of the interface between theory and experiment. The discussion will be focused on:
- New jet results from 5 TeV PbPb and pp collisions at the LHC
- Jet quenching in Monte Carlo and the data/theory interface
- Jet substructure and new jet observables in pp, pPb and PbPb
- Extraction of medium parameters from PbPb Jet data
- Parton flavor dependent jet observables
- Jets reconstruction in harsh environments, i.e., PbPb and high pileup pp