Neutrino Physics
- Yasaman Farzan (Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM).)
- Federico Sanchez (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
Neutrino Physics
- Yasaman Farzan (Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM).)
- Federico Sanchez (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
Neutrino Physics
- Federico Sanchez (Universite de Geneve (CH))
- Yasaman Farzan (Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM).)
- Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
Neutrino Physics
- Yasaman Farzan (Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM).)
- Francesco Terranova (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))
- Federico Sanchez (Universite de Geneve (CH))
A discovery of neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay would establish neutrinos as Majorana fermions and imply a violation of lepton number conservation. The GERDA collaboration searches for $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay by operating germanium detectors enriched in $^{76}$Ge in a cryostat filled with liquid argon. Instrumenting the cryostat with photosensors to enable read out of...
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay (0ฮฝฮฒฮฒ) that has been able to reach the one-ton scale. The detector consists of an array of 988 TeO2 crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. The construction of the experiment was completed in August 2016 with the installation...
A convincing observation of neutrino-less double beta decay (0$\nu$DBD) relies on the possibility of operating high-energy resolution detectors in background-free conditions.
Scintillating cryogenic calorimeters are one of the most promising tools to fulfill the requirements for a next-generation experiment. Several steps have been taken to demonstrate the maturity of this technique, starting...
The goal of the NEXT (Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC) collaboration is the sensitive search of the neutrino-less double beta decay ($\beta\beta0\nu$) of $^{136}$Xe at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC). The observation of such a lepton-number-violation process would prove the Majorana nature of neutrinos, providing also handles for an eventual measurement of the neutrino...
The sun is fueled by fusion reactions that convert hydrogen into helium. The vast majority of the resulting energy is produced through the proton-proton (pp) chain reaction. The byproducts of the various stages of the pp-chain are the so-called pp, pep, $^7\text{Be}$, $^8\text{B}$ and hep solar neutrinos. They are a unique tool to gain information about the internal structure of the...
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment utilizes eight functionally identical detectors with large target volume to measure the antineutrino flux emitted from three pairs of powerful nuclear reactors at different baselines. The detectors are placed underground to provide enough shielding against cosmic rays induced backgrounds. The experiment can perform a high-statistics determination of...
On behalf of the Double Chooz (DC) collaboration, weโd like to propose a talk to report our latest results as of the latest publication (arXiv:1901.09445). We hereby report our latest measurement of Theta13. Special emphasis has been done for the validation of the systematics accuracy by the articulation of redundant measurements while DC exploits its unique simpler geometry to cancel almost...
JUNO is a Liquid Scintillator (LS) detector currently under construction in the south of China (Jiangmen city, Guangdong province). JUNO aims to detect the disappearance of reactor antineutrinos at an average baseline of 53 km, with the primary goal of determining the neutrino mass ordering and performing a sub-percent measurement of three of the neutrino oscillation parameters. This physics...
The last decade has witnessed a remarkable progress in the knowledge of the Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (PMNS) neutrino mixing matrix upon the first observation and todayโs precision (~3%) measurement of the ฮธ13 mixing angle by the reactor experiments; i.e. Daya Bay (China), Double Chooz (France) and RENO (South Korea). However, only the JUNO experiment (China) will open, for the first...
A review of theory and phenomenology of neutrino electromagnetic properties is presented. A massive neutrino even in the easiest generalization of the Standard Model inevitably has nonzero electromagnetic characteristics, at least nonzero magnetic moment. Although its value, determined by the neutrino mass, is very small, in other BSM theories much larger values of magnetic moments...
In view of the J-PARC program of upgrades of the beam intensity, the T2K collaboration is preparing towards an increase of the exposure aimed at establishing leptonic CP violation at 3 $\sigma$ level for a significant fraction of the possible $\delta_{CP}$ values. To reach this goal, an upgrade of the T2K near detector ND280 has been launched, with the aim of reducing the overall statistical...
T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment producing a beam of muon neutrinos at the Japan Particle Accelerator Research Centre on the East coast of Japan and measuring their oscillated state 295 km away at the Super Kamiokande detector. Since 2016 T2K has doubled its data in both neutrino and antineutrino beam modes. Coupled with improvements in analysis techniques this has enabled the...
The NOvA experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that uses the upgraded NuMI beam from Fermilab to detect both electron appearance and muon disappearance. NOvA employs two functionally identical detectors: a Near Detector, located at Fermilab, and a Far Detector, located at Ash River, Minnesota over an 810 km baseline. NOvA's primary physics goals include precision...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) provides a rich science program with the focus on the neutrino oscillation physics and proton decay studies. The high-intensity wide-band neutrino beam will be produced at Fermilab and will be directed to the 40 kt Liquid Argon far detector at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), 1300 km from Fermilab. One of the most important goals...
The huge size of the liquid argon based Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) has motivated efforts to validate its technology at its full scale, in the form of the ProtoDUNE setups at CERN. The 770-ton Single-Phase ProtoDUNE setup was constructed in about two years, and successfully took beam data in late 2018, just before the shutdown of the CERN accelerator complex. A grand total of...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a dual-site experiment for long baseline neutrino oscillation studies, and for neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. DUNE will comprise four 10 kton fiducial liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LAr TPC) modules placed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (South Dakota, USA). One of these modules will profit form the...
Three flavor neutrino mixing has been established by the continuous studies of neutrino oscillations since its discovery. Large mixing angles and small neutrino masses, in contrast to those in quark sector, imply new physics at ultra-high energy. In addition, as- yet unmeasured CP violation in neutrino sector is considered as a clue to investigate the origin of matter-antimatter asymmetry of...
We study the feasibility of observing deviations from the CPT symmetry owing to quantum decoherence and in the framework of the neutrino oscillations. Taking into account the open system approach, and considering non-diagonal decoherence matrices, we study all the cases in which CPT violation (CPTV) terms that could be arising in the neutrino oscillation probabilities. Considering the vacuum...
The knowledge of initial flux, energy and flavor of current neutrino beams is currently the main limitation for a precise measurement of neutrino cross sections. The ENUBET ERC project (2016-2021) is studying a facility based on a narrow band neutrino beam capable of constraining the neutrino fluxes normalization through the monitoring of the associated charged leptons in an instrumented decay...
After measuring in 2012 a relatively large value of the neutrino mixing angle ฮธ13, the door is now open to observe for the first time a possible CP violation in the leptonic sector. The measured value of ฮธ13 also privileges the 2nd oscillation maximum for the discovery of CP violation instead of the usually used 1st oscillation maximum. The sensitivity at this 2nd oscillation maximum is about...
This work represents the culmination of the solution for the historical problem
of the contamination of matter effects in the discrete CP, T, CPT asymmetries for neutrino propagation. The goal is accomplished in terms of a basis of three independent components: genuine CPT-even, matter-induced T-even, interference
CP-even. Independent of the theoretical framework for the dynamics of the...
The DeepCore low energy extension of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory allows us to study atmospheric neutrino oscillations. With the ability to distinguish between track- and shower-like events, we can statistically look for the disappearance of muon neutrinos and simultaneously the appearance of tau neutrinos. At the same time we can use this data to test the neutrino mass ordering or search...
The KM3NeT Collaboration is constructing a multi-site research infrastructure in the Mediterranean Sea, hosting the next generation underwater neutrino observatory. The infrastructure will host two neutrino detectors: ORCA, offshore Toulon (France) at a depth of 2500 m, and ARCA, offshore Capo Passero (Italy) at a depth of 3500 m. ORCA will be a Mton scale detector, optimized to detect...
FASER is a new experiment at the LHC aiming to search for light, weakly-interacting new particles, complementing other experiments. A particle detector will be located 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point. In addition to searches for new particles, we also aim to study high-energy neutrinos of all flavors, as there is a huge flux of neutrinos at this location. To date, muon neutrino...
The OPERA experiment has conclusively observed the appearance of tau neutrinos in the muon neutrino CNGS beam. High purity samples of nu-e, nu-mu and nu-tau charged current weak neutrino interactions, as well as neutral current weak interactions were isolated.
In this talk recent results obtained using the full dataset to test the three-flavor neutrino oscillation model are discussed. ...
We present recent NOMAD measurements on neutrino-induced coherent
production of $\pi^0$, $\rho^+$ and $\rho^0$ mesons. The NOMAD detector
is based upon a low density design (0.1 g/cm^3) offering excellent momentum,
energy and angular resolutions, which are well suited for the measurement
of the coherent production processes.
The new NOMAD measurements are compared with different models...
SNO+ is a multipurpose neutrino detector located in 2km underground in Sudbury, Canada. The experiment is taking data and the first results from water phase on invisible nucleon decay search and solar neutrino analysis will be presented. The ultra-pure water inside the detector is currently being replaced by liquid scintillator, which will then be loaded with tellurium-130 to provide high...
Recently the MiniBooNE collaboration observed electron (anti)neutrino appearance in the muon (anti)neutrino beams. The significance of the effect reaches 6.0ฯ level when combined with the LSND result. Even more recently the NEUTRINO-4 collaboration claimed the observation of electron antineutrino oscillations to sterile neutrinos with a significance of about 3ฯ. If these results are confirmed,...
I review the experimental indications in favor of short-baseline neutrino oscillations and discuss their interpretation in the framework of 3+1 neutrino mixing with a sterile neutrino at the eV scale.
I show that the recent results of the NEOS and DANSS reactor neutrino experiments give a model-independent indication in favor of short-baseline electron antineutrino disappearance, in partial...
STEREO is a coarsely segmented, Gd-loaded liquid scintillator calorimeter studying anti-neutrinos produced by the compact, nearly pure $^{235}$U nuclear reactor core of the Institut Laue-Langevin at Grenoble (France). The experiment has been designed to test the light sterile neutrino explanation of the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly (RAA) by comparing the neutrino energy spectra recorded by its...
Submitted for the SoLid collaboration
The ICARUS collaboration employed the 760-ton T600 detector in a successful three-year physics run at the underground LNGS laboratory studying neutrino oscillations with the CNGS neutrino beam from CERN and searching for atmospheric neutrino interactions. ICARUS performed a sensitive search for LSND-like anomalous $\nu_e$ appearance in the CNGS beam, contributing to constraint the allowed...
In this talk, I will review the current status of the searches for neutrino non-standard interactions. I will present the current constraints on the size of these exotic processes obtained from different types of neutrino sources. The interpretation of these results in terms of a consistent particle physics model will also be addressed. Finally, I will discuss the prospects to get more precise...
The hybrid setup of T2HK (neutrino) in conjunction with a muon decay-at-rest (muDAR) source (antineutrinos) has been shown to have very good sensitivity to the standard oscillation parameters. We now explore the ability of this setup to observe charged-current non-standard interactions (NSIs) of neutrinos that can affect the production and detection of neutrinos. We discuss the interplay...
A detailed understanding of neutrino(ฮฝ)-nucleus interactions is essential for the precise measurement of neutrino oscillations at long baseline experiments, such as T2K. The T2K ND complex, designed to constrain the T2K flux and cross section models, also provides a complementary program of neutrino interaction cross-section measurements. Given the neutrino energy range of the T2K flux, the...
WAGASCI-BabyMIND is a set of new neutrino detectors to measure the neutrino cross-section with the T2K neutrino beam. It is composed of neutrino detectors made of water and scintillator surrounded by muon range detectors made of iron and scintillator. The downstream muon range detector is magnetized to discriminate the charge of the muons. It is located in the same building as ND280 but at the...
The SHiP Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose experimental facility operating in beam dump mode at the CERN SPS accelerator with the aim of searching for light, long-lived exotic particles of Hidden Sector models. The SHiP experiment incorporates a muon shield based on magnetic sweeping and two complementary apparatuses. The detector immediately downstream of the muon shield is...
MicroBooNE is a liquid argon time projection chamber in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab. The large event rate and 3 mm wire spacing of the detector provide high-statistics, precise-resolution imaging of neutrino interactions leading to low-threshold, high-efficiency event reconstruction with full angular coverage. As such, this is an ideal place to probe neutrino-argon interactions in...
Several Beyond the Standard Model scenarios introduce new heavy neutrinos, whose Dirac or Majorana nature could be tested by comparing the rates of lepton number violating and conserving processes: a Dirac fermion induces only the latter, while a Majorana one predicts the same ratio for both of them. Nevertheless, in presence of more than one Majorana fermion, this picture may change...