T1/T2 ALICE Tutorial: Services Management before the real data taking

513/1-024 (CERN)



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This tutorial is intended to provide site admins with a practical guide to manage the Alice services at the sites before the real data taking. It is expected that site admins will gain the familiarity necessary to deal with common daily issues independently of the Alice central support at CERN. This will be the unique T1/T2 tutorial this year and sites admins are encourage to join. EVO facilities will also be provided. REGISTRATION PAGE: http://doodle.com/9wknpxw24ecxkhhy EVO DETAILS: Title: T1/T2 ALICE tutorial Description: T1/T2 ALICE Tutorial: Services Management before the real data taking Community: ALICE Meeting Access Information: - Meeting URL http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/koala.jnlp?meeting=MMMeMn2I28DDD89M9iD29M - Phone Bridge ID: 1016152 Central European Summer Time (+0200) Start 2009-05-26 08:00 End 2009-05-27 18:00 Japan Standard Time (+0900) Start 2009-05-26 15:00 End 2009-05-28 01:00 Eastern Daylight Time (-0400) Start 2009-05-26 02:00 End 2009-05-27 12:00 Pacific Daylight Time (-0700) Start 2009-05-25 23:00 End 2009-05-27 09:00 EVO Phone Bridge Telephone Numbers: --------------- - USA (Caltech, Pasadena, CA) +1 626 395 2112 - Switzerland (CERN, Geneva) +41 22 76 71400 - Slovakia (UPJS, Kosice) +421 55 234 2420 - Italy (INFN, several cities) http://server10.infn.it/video/index.php?page=telephone_numbers Enter '4000' to access the EVO bridge - Germany (DESY, Hamburg) +49 40 8998 1340 - USA (BNL, Upton, NY) +1 631 344 6100 - United Kingdom (University of Manchester) +44 161 306 6802 - Netherlands (Nikhef, Amsterdam) +31 20 7165293 Dial '2' at the prompt FOTOS OF THE BOWLING NIGHT: http://laphecet.web.cern.ch/laphecet/T1T2Bowling26052009