Here is the link for downloading GAMBIT:
In the file there is a list of other packages that are needed
to install and run GAMBIT. I've pasted the list below for convenience.
It's mostly standard packages, but I suspect not everyone will have will
have packages like Eigen, yaml and hdf5 installed.
GAMBIT is built using the CMake system. The following libraries and
packages must be installed prior to configuration:
- gcc/gfortran 4.7.1 or greater, or icc/ifort 12.1.0 or greater
- Python 2.7 or greater (Python 3 is not supported)
- Python modules: yaml, os, re, datetime, sys, getopt, shutil and
- Boost 1.41 or greater
- GNU Scientific Library (GSL) 1.10 or greater
- Eigen 3.1.0 or greater
- PKG Config
- the h5py python module (for use of the hdf5 printer)
- MPI (required for parallel sampling)
- axel (speeds up downloads of backends and scanners)
- graphviz (required for model hierarchy and dependency tree plots)
- HDF5 (for use of the hdf5 printer)
- ROOT (required for the Delphes detector simulation, or the GreAT
scanner from ScannerBit)