Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Accelerating the Search for Dark Matter with Machine Learning

from Monday 15 January 2018 (09:00) to Friday 19 January 2018 (14:45)
Lorentz Center@Oort

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 Jan 2018
16 Jan 2018
17 Jan 2018
18 Jan 2018
19 Jan 2018
09:00 Arrival / Registration   ()
10:00 Welcome from Lorentz Center   ()
10:10 Welcome, Workshop Structure and Objectives - Sascha Caron (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   ()
10:20 Dark Matter overview - Nicolao Fornengo (University of Torino and INFN)   ()
11:05 Introduction into Deep Learning and Image Analysis - Max Welling   ()
11:50 First ideas to connect Astronomical data, Deep Learning and Image Analysis - German Gomez-Vargas (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) German Arturo Gomez Vargas (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)   ()
09:00 Results of yesterdays workgroups on Deep Learning, Image Analysis and astronomical Dark Matter data   ()
09:30 Astronomical Dark Matter measurements and Challenges - David Richard Harvey (EPFL - EPF Lausanne)   ()
10:15 --- Coffee break ---
10:35 Introduction into direct and indirect Dark Matter searches and their challenges - Dr Marco Regis (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Marco Regis   ()
11:20 Introduction into unsupervised learning - Erzsébet Merényi   ()
09:15 Results of yesterdays workgroups on unsupervised learning, direct and indirect DM searches   ()
09:45 New approaches in semi-supervised learning - Kristiaan Pelckmans   ()
10:30 --- Coffee ---
11:00 First ideas: Supervised DNNs for reconstruction in LHC data - Markus Stoye (CERN)   ()
11:45 Recent results : Dark Matter searches at LHC - Renjie Wang (LPNHE-Paris CNRS/IN2P3 (FR)) Renjie Wang (LPNHE-Paris, CNRS/IN2P3 (FR))   ()
09:00 Results of yesterdays workgroups on supervised learning and DM searches at the LHC   ()
09:30 Introduction into theory models for Dark Matter particles - Andrea de Simone   ()
10:15 --- Coffee ---
10:35 OpenML/AutoML: Organizing machine learning data and learning to learn better models - Joaquin Vanschoren   ()
11:20 Adversarial Games for Particle Physics - Gilles Louppe (New York University (US))   ()
09:30 Open discussion: what have we leart? What next?   ()
11:30 --- Coffee and Goodbye ---
12:15 Discussion: First connections ?   ()
12:35 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Cross link: Deep Learning in High Energy Physics - Amir Farbin (University of Texas at Arlington (US))   ()
14:45 Discussion: New ideas ?   ()
15:05 --- Coffee break ---
15:35 Work in subgroups : Finding new projects in Deep Learning / Image Analysis   ()
16:30 The hunt for stellar-mass DM clumps: applying the statistical machine learning techniques to strong microlensing events - Elena Fedorova   ()
16:45 Fast model discrimination with Euclideanized signals - Christoph Weniger (University of Amsterdam)   ()
17:00 --- Wine and Cheese Party at Common Room (maybe Posters) ---
12:05 Discussion Unsupervised Leaning for Dark Matter   ()
12:25 --- Lunch ---
13:55 First ideas to use Machine Learning in direct Dark Matter searches - Christopher Tunnell (Enrico Fermi Institute-University of Chicago-Unknown) Andrew Brown (MIT) Dr Christopher Tunnell (University of Chicago) Andrew Brown (Nikhef)   ()
14:25 Discussion: New ideas ?   ()
14:40 First ideas to use Machine Learning in indirect detection - Luc Hendriks (Nikhef)   ()
15:10 Discussion: New ideas?   ()
15:30 --- Coffee ---
15:50 Work in subgroups   ()
16:50 Characterization of the Local Universe via angular cross-correlations - Simone Ammazzalorso (University of Turin)   ()
17:05 Dark matter searches in dwarf irregular galaxies - Viviana Gammaldi (SISSA)   ()
12:00 Machine Learning for SHiP and NEWS experiments - Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))   ()
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Miscellaneous thoughts on Machine Learning & Dark Matter - Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US))   ()
14:45 Discussion: New ideas? Reinforcement Learning?   ()
15:05 --- Coffee ---
15:25 Work on projects in subgroups   ()
16:10 Data-driven constraints on dark matter from dwarf galaxies - Mr Bryan Zaldivar (LAPTh, Annecy)   ()
16:25 Fast Forecasting for Counting Experiments - Tom Edwards   ()
16:40 Estimating the parameters of gravitational lenses with deep learning - laurence perreault levasseur (Stanford University)   ()
17:00 --- Conference Dinner (Boat trip) ---
12:05 Discussion: Further ideas?   ()
12:25 --- Lunch ---
13:55 Dark Matter model exploration and first ML ideas - Martin John White (University of Adelaide (AU))   ()
14:40 How to find Natural Supersymmetric Dark Matter? - Melissa van Beekveld (R)   ()
14:55 BSM-AI (SUSY-AI) and iDarkSurvey: Learning (from) high-dimensional models - Bob Stienen (Radboud University)   ()
15:10 Using Deep Learning to predict Electroweakino production cross-sections at the LHC - Sydney Otten (RWTH Aachen)   ()
15:25 --- Coffee ---
15:45 Discussion: New ideas?   ()
16:05 Work in subgroups   ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---