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Opportunities and Challenges with Jets at LHC and beyond

from Sunday 10 June 2018 (08:00) to Tuesday 12 June 2018 (18:00)
Other Institutes (CCNU/IOPP)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 Jun 2018
11 Jun 2018
12 Jun 2018
Registration (until 08:30) (CCNU/IOPP)
Session I - Daicui Zhou (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN)) (until 10:00) (CCNU/IOPP)
08:30 Welcome Address - Nu Xu (LBNL)   (CCNU/IOPP)
08:40 Experimental brainstorm: opportunities and challenges in jet measurements - Andreas Morsch (CERN)   (CCNU/IOPP)
09:20 Theoretical brainstorm: opportunities and challenges in jet measurements - Xin-Nian Wang (Central China Normal University (China)) / Lawrence Berkeley Na)   (CCNU/IOPP)
10:00 --- Break ---
Session II - Barbara Jacak (University of California Berkeley (US)) (until 12:00) (CCNU/IOPP)
10:30 jet physics overview in ALICE - Tatsuya Chujo (University of Tsukuba (JP))   (CCNU/IOPP)
11:00 Jet substructure observables involving hadrons and subjets - Felix Ringer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (CCNU/IOPP)
11:30 Recent STAR Jet and High pT Results - Li Yi (Yale University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
Session I - Guang-You Qin (Central China Normal University) (until 10:00) (CCNU/IOPP)
08:30 Heavy flavors in heavy ion collisions - Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
09:00 Experimentral heavy flavor physics overview - Zebo Tang (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))   (CCNU/IOPP)
09:30 Heavy Quarkonium Dissociation by Thermal Gluons at Next-to-leading in the Quark-Gluon Plasma - Min He (Nanjing University of Science & Technology)   (CCNU/IOPP)
10:00 --- Break ---
Session III - Jinfeng Liao (Indiana University) (until 12:00) (CCNU/IOPP)
10:30 D-meson production in jets in pp and PbPb collisions with the CMS detector - Jing Wang (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (CCNU/IOPP)
11:00 The Production and Angular Correlations of the $b\bar{b}$ Dijet in Pb+Pb collision at LHC - Dr Wei Dai (China University of Geosciences)   (CCNU/IOPP)
11:30 HF jets and correlations with ALICE - Xiaoming Zhang (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))   (CCNU/IOPP)
Session I - Federico Antinori (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) (until 10:00) (CCNU/IOPP)
08:30 Probing the Color Structure of the Perfect QCD Fluids via Soft-Hard-Event-by-Event Azimuthal Correlations - Jinfeng Liao (Indiana University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
09:00 Centrality fluctuations in heavy ion collisions - Jiangyong Jia (Stony brook Universty (US))   (CCNU/IOPP)
09:30 Hadronization: From Dilute To Dense Systems - Rainer Fries (Texas A&M University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
10:00 --- Break ---
Session II - Xin-Nian Wang (Central China Normal University (China)) / Lawrence Berkeley Na) (until 12:00) (CCNU/IOPP)
10:30 Wrap up: prospective for heavy flavor physics - Wei Xie (Purdue University (US))   (CCNU/IOPP)
11:10 Wrap up: Prospective for jet physics - Yen-Jie Lee (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (CCNU/IOPP)
11:50 Close remark - Xin-Nian Wang (Central China Normal University (China)) / Lawrence Berkeley Na) Ben-Wei Zhang (Central China Normal University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
12:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Session III - Andreas Morsch (CERN) (until 15:30) (CCNU/IOPP)
14:00 jet-hadron correlations - Christine Nattrass (University of Tennessee (US))   (CCNU/IOPP)
14:30 probing the QGP transport properties with jet correlations - Mr Lin Chen (Central China Normal University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
15:00 h+jet correlations in ALICE - Filip Krizek (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))   (CCNU/IOPP)
15:30 --- Break ---
Session IV - Jiangyong Jia (Stony brook Universty (US)) (until 18:00) (CCNU/IOPP)
16:00 Multiplicity-dependent jet modification in p+p collisions at LHC energies - Robert Vertesi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))   (CCNU/IOPP)
16:30 Linear Boltzmann Transport for Jet propagation in the Quark Gluon Plasma - Tan Luo (Central China Normal University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
17:00 Probing medium-induced jet splitting and energy loss in heavy-ion collisions - Chang ningbo   (CCNU/IOPP)
17:30 $Z^0$-jet correlation with NLO-matched parton-shower and jet-medium interaction in high-energy nuclear collisions - Mr Shanliang Zhang (Central China Normal University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
18:00 --- Reception at Guiyuan Hotel ---
12:00 --- Lunch Break ---
Session II - Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University) (until 15:30) (CCNU/IOPP)
14:00 Measurements of open-bottom and -charm hadron productions with STAR detector - Dr Kunsu Oh (Central China Normal University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
14:30 Calibrate a linear Boltzmann + Langevin hybrid heavy quark transport model in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC - Weiyao Ke (Duke University)   (CCNU/IOPP)
15:00 Open HF in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE - Zuman Zhang (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))   (CCNU/IOPP)
15:30 --- Break ---
Session IV - Sheng-Qin Feng (China Three Gorges University) (until 18:00) (CCNU/IOPP)
16:00 γ-jet fragmentation function & jet-induced medium responce - WEI CHEN (CCNU)   (CCNU/IOPP)
16:30 Measurement of photon-tagged jet substructure with CMS - Ran Bi (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (CCNU/IOPP)
17:00 Discussions - Federico Antinori (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) Barbara Jacak (University of California Berkeley (US))   (CCNU/IOPP)
18:00 --- Workshop Banquet ---