Posters displayed on a board with an odd number
The long awaited Timepix2 from the Medipix2 Collaboration is due to be available this fall (2018), and plans are in place to expose it to the Heavy Ion beams at the HIMAC facility in Japan this December (2018). The initial goal is to evaluate the extended dynamic range of its' novel pre-amplifier design, and to exercise its' overall performance in a wide range of heavy ion beams. The...
The long slab is a new prototype for the SiW-Ecal, a silicon tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter for the ILD detector of the future International Linear Collider. This new prototype has been designed to demonstrate the ability to build a full length detecting layer (1.60m for the ILD barrel). Indeed, this length induces difficulties for clock and signal propagation and data integrity. The...
The ATLAS silicon tracker detectors are designed to sustain high dose integrated over several years of operation. This very substantial radiation hardness should also favour the survival of the detector in case of accidental beam losses.
An experiment performed in 2006 showed that ATLAS Pixel detector modules (silicon planar hybridly coupled with FE-I3 electronics) could survive to beam...
In medical radiation dosimetry, the use of small photon fields is almost a prerequisite for high precision localized dose delivery to delineated target volume. The accurate measurement of standard dosimetric quantities in such situations depends on the size of the detector with respect to the field dimensions. Thanks to a new technology, polycrystalline diamond devices with 3-dimensional...
Coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CEvNS) has been predicted since 1973, but eluded detection for more than 4 decades mainly due to a lack of technology able to detect small nuclear recoils. The process was first observed in August 2017 using a spallation neutron source [1].
Complementary to it, new projects like CONUS try to detect CEvNS using reactor anti-neutrinos. CONUS is based...
We have operated a 2D array of $88 \times 88$ Single Avalanche Photo Diodes fabricated in a CMOS technology in liquid nitrogen to evaluate its dark count rate at low temperatures. We found a rate of <20 dark counts per second and per $mm^2$ equivalent active area and observed an additional background at the edge of the array, which we attribute to photons emitted in the peripheral circuitry....
Throughout the last decade there has been an increasing interest in an efficient gamma ray detector for medical applications. Especially proton beam therapy and nuclear medicine could benefit from the ability to detect higher energetic gamma-radiation above 1 MeV. One possible detector would be a dual-plane Compton Camera.
Coincident detection of energy and position of both the electron and...
The aim of the work is to develop a model which allows reliably predicting the effects of radiation damage by hadrons in segmented silicon sensors up to 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluences of $2\cdot 10^{16} \text{n}/\text{cm}^2$, which are expected at the High-Luminosity LHC for an integrated luminosity of $3000~\text{fb}^{-1}$. Recently we presented a model with five effective traps (Hamburg...
Machine learning is becoming ubiquitous across HEP. There is great potential to improve trigger and DAQ performances with it. However, the exploration of such techniques within the field in low latency/power FPGAs has just begun. We present HLS4ML, a user-friendly software, based on High-Level Synthesis (HLS), designed to deploy network architectures on FPGAs. As a case study, we use HLS4ML...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multipurpose neutrino experiment designed to determine neutrino mass hierarchy and precisely measure oscillation parameters. The R&D of large area microchannel plate photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) for JUNO started in 2011. In the last 3 years, much progress has been achieved. The high performance 8-inch and 20-inch prototypes were...
The ATLAS muon spectrometer comprises an efficient muon trigger system and high muon momentum resolution up to the TeV scale. In the regions at both ends of the inner barrel layer of the muon spectrometer the trigger coverage in combination with the endcap muon spectrometer is limited. In order to improve the muon trigger capabilities at higher luminosities, additional resistive plate chambers...
Recently, we demonstrated that epithermal and fast neutrons produce distinct γ-quanta in the energy range bellow 1 MeV in Gd containing media. These soft quanta can be detected in the scintillation material, containing Gd ions. One of the promising candidates for this purpose is gadolinium-gallium-aluminum garnet Gd3Al2Ga3O12 (GAGG) doped with Ce, having high light yield and excellent energy...
Imaging with cosmic muons dates back by decades, initiated by searching for hidden structures in the Chephren pyramid by Alvarez. Since then, the term “muography” was coined for this possibility offered by nature’s highly penetrating particles, and can be applied for imaging various large scale objects. As the observation point needs to be below the object of interest, either the detector is...
A new beam telescope, Lycoris, is currently being installed as an improvement for the DESY test beam infrastructure within the EU Horizon2020 AIDA-2020 project. Lycoris telescope is designed to cover a large area for providing a reference momentum measurement to beam users in an 1 T solenoid magnet. It consists of six layers of the 10×10 cm2 surface, 25 μm(50 μm) sensor(readout) pitch,...
The COBAND experiment searches for far infra red photons from decays of cosmic neutrino background. In order to achieve sensitivity for neutrino lifetime predicted by some theoretical model, 2% energy resolution is required for the detector. We are developing a superconducting tunnel junction detector (STJ) using Hafnium superconductor (Hf) that have very small bandgap. Bandgap of Hf is 0.021...
Because of its radiation resilience, p-type silicon has been established as baseline material for tracking detectors in upcoming high-luminosity physics experiments. When deciding on the quality of p-type silicon strip sensors, strip isolation is crucial. Regions of highly doped p+ implant (p-stop) are introduced between n+ strips to interrupt the electron accumulation layer that forms at the...
Radionuclide therapy (RNT) is an internal radiation therapy that can selectively damage cancer cells. Recently, the use of alpha-emitting radionuclides was initiated in RNT owing to its dose concentration and short range. In particular, 223-Ra is widely used for bone metastasis cancer. Despite its potential for clinical applications, it is difficult to know whether the drug has been properly...
In this presentation results obtained in beam test experiments with 3D columnar pixel sensors interconnected with the RD53A readout chip are reported. RD53A is the first prototype in 65nm technology issued from RD53 collaboration for the future readout chip to be used in the upgraded pixel detectors. The interconnected modules have been tested on hadron beam at CERN before and after...
Digital calorimetry relies on a highly granular detector where the cell size is sufficiently small so that only a single particle in a shower enters each cell within a single readout cycle. The DECAL sensor, a depleted monolithic active pixel sensor (DMAPS), has been proposed as a possible technology for future digital calorimeters. A DECAL sensor prototype has been designed and fabricated in...
HEPS-BPIX2 is the second prototype of single-photon counting pixel detector with 1 million pixels developed for applications of synchrotron light sources. It follows the first prototype, HEPS-BPIX, with a pixel size of 150 µm x 150 µm and frame rate up to 1.2 kHz at 20-bit dynamic range. This paper contains a detailed description of HEPS-BPIX2 upgrade with a recently launched Through Silicon...
The direct dark matter search experiment CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers) uses scintillating $\mathrm{CaWO_4}$ single crystals as targets for possible nuclear recoils induced by Dark Matter particles. An intrinsic radioactive contamination of the crystals as low as possible is crucial for the sensitivity of the detectors. In the past $\mathrm{CaWO_4}$...
With its ~1650 mˆ2 of MWPCs, the muon detector of LHCb is one of the largest instrument of this kind worldwide, and one of the most irradiated.
Currently we run at the relatively low instantaneous luminosity of 4x10ˆ32 cm-2s-1, nevertheless the most irradiated MWPCs already integrated ~0.7 C/cm of accumulated charge per wire. The statistics of gas gaps affected by high voltage trips in the...
The muon system of the CMS experiment includes 540 Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) that serve as the primary source for muon detection and triggering in the end cap region. The CSCs are intended to operate throughout the life of the CMS experiment, including the challenging environment of the HL-LHC era. To access the longevity of CSCs over the HL-LHC lifespan, a new campaign of accelerated...
The FCAL collaboration develops fast, compact calorimeters to measure
the luminosity of electron-positron collisions with high precision
using small angle Bhabha scattering, and bunch-by-bunch using beamstrahlung
pairs. Searches for new physics also require the detection of high
energy electrons at low angles. Several sensor options, such as GaAs
or single crystal sapphire, are under...
The Lynkeos Muon Imaging System (MIS) uses cosmic-ray muons for the 3D-imaging of the contents of shielded nuclear waste containers. The detector system consists of four scintillating fibre tracker modules using 64 channel MPAMTs as readout, two above and two below the object to track the muons. Complex imaging algorithms then reconstruct a 3D image of the object and its contents.
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB asymmetric energy $e^+e^-$ collider in Tsukuba, Japan, finished its commissioning phase in 2018. In the years to follow the SuperKEKB will deliver an instantaneous luminosity of $8·10^{35}$cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$, which is 40 times higher than the record luminosity of its predecessor, KEKB. In order to exploit the physics potential of this new generation...
The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment (CBM) is one of the core experiments of the future FAIR facility at Darmstadt/Germany. This experiment will explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter in the regime of high net baryon densities with numerous rare probes. The Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) will determine the secondary decay vertex of open charm particles with $\sim 50~\rm \mu...
The developed high resolution scanner using focused UV light gave the possibility to study single photoelectron response of MPGDs on the sub-millimeter scale. This technology reveals the microstructure of photo-efficiency and local gain to quantitatively compare different GEM geometries and thus provides a powerful tool for GEM quality assurance.
The readout detector uses a single GEM with...
Aging effects result in a surface degradation of both the anode and cathode electrodes, which occur in different forms. Anode type of aging is associated with silicon deposits formed on the surface of the anode wires. This effect is manifested even with small accumulated charges in the range of (0.1–1.0) Coulomb per cm of the anode wire length. If there would be no silicon contamination in the...
Large size and thin high-quality polycrystalline diamond were used to build the full carbon active target of the PADME experiment, at the Beam Test Facility (BTF) of the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, searching for a dark photon of mass up to about 23.7 MeV.
The diamond sensors were ordered from a US commercial firm and graphitic electrodes on the surfaces were produced by a UV excimer...
A method of imaging of ultra-fast processes, like explosion or fast combustion, at a synchrotron radiation beam is being developed at the Siberian Synchrotron and Teraherz Radiation Center (SSTRC). Two stations are operating at beam line 0 at the VEPP-3 storage ring and at beam line 8 at the VEPP-4M storage ring. Both stations are equipped with the detector for imaging of explosions DIMEX,...
Low energy threshold detectors are necessary in many frontier fields of the experimental physics. In particular these are extremely important for probing Dark Matter (DM) possible candidates. We present the activity of the AXIOMA matrix R&D project, a novel detection approach that exploits Rare gases crystals both undoped and doped maintained at low temperature. In the undoped matrices, the...
A new generation of RPC chambers capable to withstand high particle fluxes (up to 2000 Hz/cm2) and instrumented with a precise timing readout electronics is proposed to equip two of the four high eta stations of the CMS muon system.
Doublet RPC detectors each made of two 1.4 mm HPL electrodes and separated by a gas gap of the same thickness are proposed. The new scheme reduces the amount of...
The Super C-$\tau$ Factory at Novosibirsk is a new experiment with e$^+$e$^-$- collider with energy W=2$\div$6 GeV and luminosity up to 10$^{35}$cm$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$ (in 100 times higher than in operated today experiments in this energy region). For successful execution of the broad experimental program development of universal detector with excellent parameters is needed. R&D activities on all...
The muon anomalous magnetic moment (g-2) and the electric dipole moment
(EDM) are calculated with high precisions in the Standard Model (SM) and are
suitable to search for new physics beyond the SM. J-PARC muon g−2/EDM (E34)
experiment aims to measure g−2 with a precision of 0.1 ppm and search for EDM
with a sensitivity of $10^{−21}$ e$\cdot$cm with a different method from the muon g−2/
We report on the fabrication of capacitively-coupled (AC) n+-in-p pixel detectors on magnetic Czochralski silicon substrates. In our devices, we employ a layer of aluminium oxide (Al$_2$O$_3$) grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD) as dielectric and field insulator, instead of the commonly used SiO$_2$. As shown in earlier research, Al$_2$O$_3$ thin films exhibit high negative oxide charge,...
The replacement of wired readout systems with the broadband wireless links will significantly reduce the number of cables and their connectors at the LHC. These cables notably contribute in the active detector volume and cause multiple scattering. The availability of 60 GHz license free band (57-66 GHz) provides the opportunity to achieve 10's of Gbps wireless data rate for a single link. This...
In view of the HL-LHC upgrade, radiation tolerant silicon sensors that contain low-resistivity p-type implants or substrates, like LGAD or HVCMOS devices, are being developed in the framework of ATLAS, CMS, RD50 and other sensor R&D projects. The devices are facing a particular problem - the apparent deactivation of the doping due to the irradiation, the so-called acceptor removal effect.
Dose verification in situ is highly required in proton therapy. We have developed an electron-tracking Compton camera (ETCC) which consists of gaseous time projection chamber (TPC) and a position-sensitive scintillator. Since the TPC performs the electron-tracking, the ETCC is able to reconstruct Compton scattering event-by-event, and to reject the back ground strongly. In this presentation,...
Photon counting computed tomography (PCCT) based on indirect conversion detectors took great interests from its low fabrication cost and easy handling. In order to satisfy both count rate requirements of over 2 Mcps/mm2 and spatial resolution requirements in PCCT, sub-mm pitch silicon photomultiplier array using silicon on insulator technology (SOI-SiPM) was fabricated and evaluated...
Detectors at future accelerators will require operation at rates up to three orders of magnitude higher than 15 kHz/cm$^2$, the hit rates expected in the current upgrades forward muon detectors of LHC experiments. A resistive Micromegas detectors with modified readout system can achieve rate capability up to few MHz/cm$^2$ and low occupancy, thanks to few mm$^2$ readout pads. We present the...
Scintillation crystals are widely used in detectors for high energy physics and medical physics. For positron emission tomography (PET), a major approach to improve the signal to noise ratio and image quality is the time-of-flight technique, where fast scintillators with high stopping power are needed. Particle detectors in future high energy physics experiments will operate at high collision...
The Tile Detector is a dedicated timing detector system developed for the Mu3e experiment, which is designed to search for the lepton-flavour violating (LFV) decay $\mu \rightarrow eee$ with a target sensitivity of $10^{-16}$. In order to determine the vertex of the three decay electrons, precise spatial and timing measurements are necessary, resulting in the requirement of a time resolution...
In order to extend the dynamic range of Water Cherenkov Detector Array (WCDA) in Larger High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO), another 1.5-inch photomultiplier tube (PMT) is placed aside the 8–inch PMT in each cell of WCDA. All these 1.5-inch PMTs, total 900, consist of the WCDA++ system. The performances of these 1.5-inch PMTs, with special designed di-output voltage divider, are test...
Under the JINR scientific program on study of hot and dense baryonic matter, a new accelerator complex the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is under construction. The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) will operate at one of the collider interaction point and it is optimized for investigations of heavy-ion collisions in energy range from 4 to 11A GeV.
TPC is proposed as central part of...
Synchronizing the different parts of a Particle Physics detector is an essential part of its operation. We describe the system being planned for the DUNE liquid argon neutrino detector and experience from the single phase protoDUNE detector currently operating at CERN.
DUNE is will have four caverns, each of which can house a detector with 10kT fiducial mass. The first caverns is planned to...
Forward hadron calorimeters with transverse and longitudinal segmentation are developed for upgraded heavy ion NA61 and BM@N experiments and future CBM experiment at FAIR. The main purpose of these calorimeters is to provide an experimental event-by-event measurements of centrality and orientation of reaction plane in heavy-ion collisions at high beam rates. One of the features of these...