IRIS-HEP Kickoff Workshop
PRC 201
University of Chicago
The Institute for Research and Innovation in Software in High Energy Physics (IRIS-HEP) is a software institute funded by the National Science Foundation. It aims to develop the state-of-the-art software cyberinfrastructure required for the challenges of data intensive scientific research at the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) at CERN, and other planned HEP experiments of the 2020’s. These facilities are discovery machines which aim to understand the fundamental building blocks of nature and their interactions.
The IRIS-HEP project was funded on 1 September, 2018, and is ramping up its activities. This kickoff workshop brings together members of the IRIS-HEP team to initiate the activities which will be pursued in the first years of the Institute.
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The IRIS-HEP project is supported by National Science Foundation cooperative agreement OAC-1836650. |
Light breakfast PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Welcome - University of Chicago PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speaker: Young-Kee Kim (University of Chicago (US)) -
Introduction and Workshop Goals PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speaker: Peter Elmer (Princeton University (US)) -
Blueprint Plans PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speaker: Mark Neubauer (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US)) -
Coffee Break PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Scalable Systems Laboratory PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speaker: Robert William Gardner Jr (University of Chicago (US)) -
OSG - Status and Evolution PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speakers: Frank Wuerthwein (UCSD), Frank Wuerthwein (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) -
Innovative Algorithms Overview PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speakers: David Lange (Princeton University (US)), Heather Gray (LBNL), J Michael Williams (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US)), Mark Neubauer (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US)), Peter Wittich (Cornell University (US)), Philip Coleman Harris (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) -
NSF Perspective PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speakers: Bogdan Mihaila (National Science Foundation), Saul Gonzalez (National Science Foundation) -
Lunch PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
DOMA Overview PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speaker: Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)) -
Training and Outreach PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speaker: Sudhir Malik (University of Puerto Rico (PR)) -
Group Photo PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Coffee Break PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Analysis Systems Overview PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speaker: Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US)) -
Input from USATLAS Ops (and discussion) PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speakers: Kaushik De (University of Texas at Arlington (US)), Paolo Calafiura (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) -
Input from USCMS Ops (and discussion) PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Speakers: Kenneth Bloom (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)), Oliver Gutsche (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) -
Reception PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637Third floor Atrium
Light breakfast PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Breakout Coordination PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Topical Breakout 1: IA PEP PRC 201
PRC 201
Conveners: Heather Gray (LBNL), J Michael Williams (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)), Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US)), Mark Neubauer (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US)), Michael David Sokoloff (University of Cincinnati (US)), Peter Wittich (Cornell University (US)), Philip Coleman Harris (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) -
Topical Breakout 2: DOMA / SSL / OSG PRC 215
PRC 215
Topical Breakout 3 PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Coffee Break PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Topical Breakout 4 - AS Organization PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Topical Breakout 5 - DOMA Group Planning PRC 215
PRC 215
University of Chicago
Topical Breakout 6 PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Lunch PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
11: Topical Breakout 8 - OSG-LHC PEP / Organization PRC 215
PRC 215
University of Chicago
Management Breakout PRC 127
PRC 127
University of Chicago
- 15
Topical/Writing Breakout 7 - User Stories PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
Coffee Break PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Brainstorming: Connecting IRIS-HEP to external projects PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Brainstorming: IRIS-HEP Branding, Presence, Website, etc PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Workshop Dinner
Check your name badge for ticket: Gibsons Italia (downtown, Rideshare signup). More info here.
Light breakfast ERC 161
ERC 161
Innovative Algorithms Summary ERC 161
ERC 161
William Eckhardt Research Center 5640 S. Ellis AveSpeakers: David Lange (Princeton University (US)), Heather Gray (LBNL) -
Analysis Systems Summary ERC 161
ERC 161
Speaker: Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University (US)) -
DOMA SummarySpeaker: Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US))
SSL SummarySpeaker: Robert William Gardner Jr (University of Chicago (US))
OSG-LHC SummarySpeaker: Frank Wuerthwein (UCSD)
Coffee Break PRC 201
PRC 201
University of Chicago
933 East 56th Street Chicago, IL 60637 -
Training, Education and Outreach Summary ERC 161
ERC 161
Speaker: Sudhir Malik (University of Puerto Rico (PR)) -
USATLAS Ops Summary ERC 161
ERC 161
Speakers: Kaushik De (University of Texas at Arlington (US)), Paolo Calafiura (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) -
USCMS Ops Summary ERC 161
ERC 161
Speakers: Kenneth Bloom (University of Nebraska Lincoln (US)), Oliver Gutsche (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) -
Blueprint plans ERC 161
ERC 161
Speaker: Mark Neubauer (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US)) -
Wrap Up and Next Steps ERC 161
ERC 161
Speaker: Peter Elmer (Princeton University (US)) -
Thank youSpeaker: Robert William Gardner Jr (University of Chicago (US))
ATLAS Midwest Tier2 Center (UC site) Tour (optional) ACC LL204
MWT2-UC is in the accelerator building next door. Meet outside ERC 161
Speaker: Judith Lorraine Stephen (University of Chicago (US))