DUNE is a frontier experiment of long-baseline neutrino oscillation with a far detector at SURF and a near detector at FNAL. Three-Dimensional Projection Scintillator Tracker – Spectrometer (3DST-S) is a system to be included as a component detector in the near detector complex. It is placed downstream of a liquid-Ar time-projection chamber (TPC), and a high-pressure gas-Ar TPC. The 3DST-S...
The proposed T2HKK experiment involves placing a neutrino detector in Korea in the path of the T2HK beam, to collect data at an additional baseline of 1100 km. This setup will allow the measurement of neutrino oscillation probabilities at two different baselines with the same beam. We define a dual-baseline asymmetry relevant for setups with two components with different baselines. We find...
In the standard model of particle physics, the Weinberg angle is an energy dependent parameter which describes the mixing of the electromagnetic and weak interactions. The modified minimal subtraction scheme predicts the scale dependence of the Weinberg angle precisely.
Measurements of the Weinberg angle at various energy scales are essentially important as a precision test of the standard...
T2K-WAGASCI is an experiment to measure neutrino interactions at the J-PARC neutrino beam line. WAGASCI modules have a three-dimensional grid structure of plastic scintillator bars and water, both of which form the neutrino interaction target. The Proton Module is a fully-active tracking detector consisting of only scintillator strips, therefore plays a role of plastic target. These neutrino...
The Experimental Muon Source (EMuS) project at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) in Dongguan aims at building a competitive muon source providing both a low-energy surface muon beam and a high energy decay muon beam for muon science. Highly polarized positive surface muons are used in muon spin rotation ($\mu$SR) spectrometers in order to study material properties in condensed matter...
One of the important unknowns in neutrino oscillation physics is the
the leptonic CP phase $\delta_{CP}$. Because of ambiguity between $\delta_{CP}$ and neutrino mass hierarchy, experiments have to be designed in such a way as to measure these parameters independent of each other. Long baseline experiments like DUNE is exclusively designed to measure $\delta_{CP}$ in regions without...
The KM3NeT collaboration is currently building the next generation of large-volume water Cherenkov neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea abysses. ORCA, the denser of the two detectors under construction, will instrument about 6 Mton of sea water. It is optimised for the detection of atmospheric neutrinos with energies above several GeV. The main research target of the ORCA detector is...
The ProtoDUNE-SP detector is a 1/20 scale prototype, located at the CERN Neutrino Platform, of the planned first module of the DUNE far detector. Utilising single phase liquid argon TPC detection technology, ProtoDUNE-SP has successfully validated full scale prototype components and collected test beam and cosmic ray data to reduce systematic uncertainties in the future far detector. Space...
The OPERA experiment was designed to observe the appearance of tau neutrino in the muon neutrino CNGS beam. This goal was successfully reached by observing a high purity sample of $\nu_\tau$ charged current (CC) interaction candidate events. Additionally, it was possible to isolate samples of $\nu_e$ and $\nu_\mu$ CC candidates, as well as neutral current candidate events. These four samples...
There have been discussions on the neutrino oscillation experiment with two baselines such as T2HKK. We study this dual-baseline system to utilize the oscillation probabilities at two different baselines but with the same beam. We define a dual-baseline asymmetry exploiting the information at two baselines that can be helpful in determining the mass hierarchy and the CP phase in the neutrino...
We study the nuclear abundances produced from neutrino process in supernova (SN) explosion. We consider the neutrino oscillation effects as neutrino scattering not only with matter, $i.e.$ electron background, but also neutrinos themselves in SN environment. The changed neutrino spectrum by $\nu$ oscillation are affected to $\nu$-nucleus reaction rate, so that the abundances during SN...
In November 2018, KISTI-5 supercomputer has launched. It is the heterogeneous machine of 25.3 PF Cray 3112-AA000T with Intel Xeon Phi KNL (Knight Landing) 7250 processor which has 68 cores per processor. The goal of this presentation is to discuss the application and usages of Intel KNL-based system of KISTI-5 supercomputer for neutrinos from accelerators.
First, the world is made of dark...
Neutrino-nucleus interaction is a major source of the systematic uncertainty for neutrino oscillation experiments.
The NINJA experiment aims to measure the neutrino-water interactions precisely with a nuclear emulsion detector called Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC).
Nuclear emulsion has sub-micron position resolution and it allows us to detect short tracks of low momentum secondary charged...
Subcritical nuclear reactors, such as Mu*STAR, are driven by a proton accelerator to generate fissions that are primarily initiated by spallation neutrons from an internal target. The fission chain dies quickly over a few tens of ns, such that it is possible to have neutrinos produced in bunches that are separated by intervals that can be varied according to the accelerator proton RF...
The Experimental Muon Source (EMuS) is a proposed facility at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). EMuS, which is an additional platform to CSNS, aims to provide muon beams for different applications such as neutrino physics, muSR, etc. The baseline design uses up to 25kW proton beam. The target station of EMuS is consist of a long carbon target in conical shape, a superconducting capture...
We present a search for heavy Majorana neutrinos, using pp collision data collected with the CMS detector at the centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV in 2016. The search targets for heavy neutrino in the Type-I seesaw mechanism where the mass ranges from 20 GeV to 1300 GeV, which is wider range than the study performed using the 8 TeV data. The vector boson fusion production channel is also...
Neutrino-nucleus interactions in the resonance (RES) region is one of the most important interaction modes for the current and future generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. It is also sensitive to nuclear effects, including fermi motion, initial state nucleon correlations, and final state interactions etc., which affect event topology and neutrino energy reconstruction, and...
Origin of neutrino masses are realized with a series of flavour symmetry models while the tri-direct CP-symmetry stands out among them. Here we briefly review the peculiar features of tri-direct CP-symmetry models, focusing on neutrino mixing parameters and their predicted correlations. The number of parameters to describe neutrino mixings is reduced to four due to the new symmetry. It is...
Multiple theories beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of heavy neutrinos, such as the Type I or Type III seesaw mechanisms which can explain the light neutrino masses, or left-right symmetric models which restore parity symmetry in weak interactions at higher energy scale and predict right-handed counterparts to the weak gauge bosons. Searches for such heavy Majorana or Dirac...
I will talk about the current status of the Standard Model (SM) prediction for the muon g-2. Currently, there is more than 3.5 sigma discrepancy between the experimental value of the muon g-2 and the SM prediction for it. In the SM prediction, the hadronic contribution is the largest source of the uncertainty. The leading-order (LO) hadronic contribution, which is one of the most uncertain...
The measurement of the anomalous muon magnetic moment, $a_{\mu} \equiv (g_{ \mu}-2)/2$, more than a decade ago by the Brookhaven (BNL) E821 experiment differs at a 3.7$\sigma$ level from the theoretical predictions from the Standard Model (SM). This result is among the largest observed deviations from the SM and comprises a hint of physics beyond the Standard Model.
The new Muon g-2...
The latest results and prospects of searches for heavy neutrinos at the CMS experiment will be presented.
MicroBooNE is a liquid argon time projection chamber in the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab. The large event rate and 3 mm wire spacing of the detector provide high-statistics, precise-resolution imaging of neutrino interactions leading to low-threshold, high-efficiency event reconstruction with full angular coverage. As such, this is an ideal place to probe neutrino-argon interactions in...
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment has accumulated the largest sample of reactor antineutrino interactions to date and will continue operating until the end of 2020. The experiment consists of eight identically designed antineutrino detectors placed underground at different baselines from six 2.9 GWth nuclear reactors. In this talk I will give an overview of our recent results, including...
The anomalous magnetic moment of muon can be calculated by the Standard Model (SM) that takes into account quantum electrodynamics (QED), electroweak, and hadronic contributions, however, the current experimental results do not agree with the theoretical expectation by more than 3$\sigma$. This may imply a presence of the New Physics, therefore, precision measurements of the muon anomaly is...
We investigate tau neutrinos from heavy flavor hadrons (prompt neutrinos) that can be explored at a high rapidity LHC experiment. A large number of tau neutrinos can be produced in pp collision at the LHC in the very forward region (y>6.5), where its main source is Ds mesons since the weak boson contribution is negligible. Abundant production of tau neutrinos will allow the precise study of...
In 2016, NA61/SHINE, a fixed target experiment at the CERN SPS, recorded interactions of 60 GeV/$c$ $\pi^+$ with thin carbon and beryllium targets. Three analyses were performed to measure total cross sections and doubly differential cross sections of produced hadrons. A total cross section analysis was used to determine the total production and total inelastic cross sections for the two...
The neutrino oscillation is the first observed phenomenon beyond the standard model, which can be interpreted in the framework of three neutrino mixings. It is governed by three mixing angles, two mass-squared differences, and one Dirac CP violation phase. The neutrino mass ordering, CP violation phase and the octant of $\theta_{23}$ remain unknown and could be measured by next-generation...
Muonium is the bound state of a positive muon and an electron. Muonium Spectroscopy Experiment Using Microwave (MuSEUM) is a new precise measurement of muonium hyperfine structure (MuHFS) at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC).
There are two major motivations for this new measurement.
- Test of the bound-state Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). Muonium is a purely leptonic...
DsTau is a project at the CERN SPS to study tau-neutrino production aiming at providing important data for future $\nu_\tau$ studies. A precise measurement of the $\nu_\tau$ cross section would enable a search for new physics effects in $\nu_\tau$ CC interactions. It also has practical importance for the next generation experiments for neutrino oscillation studies and astrophysical $\nu_\tau$...
The KM3NeT Collaboration is currently building the next generation of large-volume (km3-size) water-Cherenkov neutrino telescopes to the bottom of the Mediterranean sea. The denser of the two detectors is called ORCA, which is optimised for the detection of atmospheric neutrinos with energies above ∼1 GeV. The main research target of the ORCA detector is the measurement of the neutrino mass...
The MUSE experiment at PSI is part of a suite of experiments that aim to resolve the proton radius puzzle that has surfaced over the past decade. MUSE is particularly interesting because it attempts to determine the proton radius through simultaneous measurements of muon-proton scattering and electron-proton scattering, in addition to performing these reactions with positive and negative...
In the Mediterranean Sea there are two neutrino telescopes: ANTARES, currently the largest one, has been operating for more than 10 years. ANTARES provides unprecedented sensitivity for neutrino source searches in the Southern Sky at TeV energies, so that valuable constraints can be set on the origin of the cosmic neutrinos discovered by the IceCube detector. ANTARES has also constrained the...
The IceCube neutrino observatory uses a cubic-km of glacial South Pole ice instrumented with over 5000 optical sensors to detect Cherenkov light produced by atmospheric and astrophysical neutrino interactions. A central region of the detector in the deepest ice, known as DeepCore, is more densely instrumented, allowing neutrinos with energies as low as ~5 GeV to be detected. The upcoming...
The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS is designed to measure the branching ratio of the K+→π+vv decay, very precisely predicted below 10exp[-10] by the SM. NA62 took data in 2016-2018 and collected a large sample of charged kaon decays into final states with multiple charged particles. The sensitivity to a range of lepton flavour and lepton number violating kaon decays provided by this data set...
The concept of lepton universality, where the muon and tau particles are simply heavier copies of the electron, is a key prediction in the Standard Model (SM). In models beyond the SM, lepton universality can be naturally violated with new physics particles that couple preferentially to the second and third generation leptons. Over the last few years, several hints of lepton universality...
The Super-Kamiokande and T2K substantially developed our understanding of oscillations by observing the sub-dominant electron-neutrino appearance channel. The next-generation Hyper-Kamiokande experiment will build on this with much higher statistics, enabling precision tests of the Standard PMNS picture. In the baseline design of 2 tanks at Kamioka, a detailed investigation of oscillations...
Intense and high-energy proton beams are impacted onto fixed targets within the CERN’s accelerator complex to produce secondary particles (such as neutrons, antiprotons, kaons, pions, etc.) for physics experiments. A consolidation program of some of these particle-producing targets is currently ongoing at CERN. This includes the antiproton and neutron production targets (AD-Target and n_TOF...
Standard-Model predicted coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering is interesting for measuring neutrino properties but is not yet detected for reactor neutrinos. For this measurement, we will use an array of NaI[Tl] crystals which show advantages for high light yields as a low threshold detector. The Hanbit reactor site in Korea provides 2.8 GW of thermal power and neutrino flux at...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a cubic-km size detector consisting
of 5000 light sensors buried within the ice of the South Pole. Together
with its inner array DeepCore (which has a lower energy threshold of ~
5GeV), IceCube detects neutrinos of all flavours by recording the
Cherenkov light emitted by both neutral and charged current interactions
within the ice. Given its ~GigaTon...
The nuSTORM facility will provide \nu_e and \nu_\mu beams from the
decay of low energy muons confined within a storage ring. The
instrumentation of the ring, combined with the excellent knowledge of
muon decay, will make it possible to determine the neutrino flux at
the %-level or better. The neutrino and anti-neutrino event rates are
such that the nuSTORM facility serving a suite of...
Physics beyond the Standard Model could manifest itself through effects on lepton universality or flavour anomalies, such as the ones hinted at by flavour factories. Lepton-flavour violation (LVF) would be a striking signature of such new physics; the ATLAS experiment has multiple searches for such signal in the decay of the Higgs boson, the Z boson and of a heavy neutral gauge boson, Z'....
By formulating a new perturbative framework we try to reveal characteristic
features of neutrino oscillation which are relevant for possible precision measurement of mixing parameters. Most notably, we show that the effect of CP phase is larger by a factor of ~10 compared to conventional LBL experiments such as T2HK and DUNE. I also mention possible ways for improving uncertainty of...
This presents the current status of the J-PARC main ring synchrotron (MR) beam operation and upgrade plans for neutrino experiments. The MR provides 30 GeV protons with two extraction modes; fast extraction (FX) for the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, T2K, and slow extraction (SX) for experiments in the hadron experimental facility. At present, achieved beam intensities are 2.6...
For the studies of surface/subsurface, nano materials and multi layered thin films, as well as for the fundamental physics like g-2 experiments, we must have muon beam, that has sufficiently low energy to stop on or near the surface of the sample. To perform such studies, so called slow (low energy) muons are required with energy that is of the order of several eV to a few tens of keV, far...
NOvA is a world-leading long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. It uses the 700 kW NuMI beam at Fermilab to send muon neutrinos to two functionally identical detectors, located slightly off the beam axis. The Near Detector is located underground in Fermilab, while the much bigger 14 kton Far Detector sits on the surface, 810 km further away, in Minnesota. They share the same...
The ESS neutrino superbeam project is being studied as an upgrade to the European Spallation Source. This would entail the addition of an H$-$ source to the existing beamline to send H$-$ pulses in between proton pulses, effectively doubling the beam power from five to ten megawatts. An obstacle to smooth operation is the intra-beam stripping of H$-$ within bunches, preliminary beam transport...
The features of the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS – high-intensity setup, trigger-system flexibility, high-frequency tracking of beam particles, redundant particle identification, and high-efficiency photon vetoes – make NA62 particularly suitable to search for long-lived, weakly-coupled particles within Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, using kaon and pion decays as well as operating...
The Mu3e experiment will search for the charged lepton flavor violating decay $\mu^+\rightarrow e^+e^-e^+$ with a targeted branching ratio sensitivity of $10^{-16}$. The sensitivity goal drives the experimental design: To distinguish the neutrinoless signal decay from background processes, excellent momentum, vertex and time resolutions of the detector system are required. An ultra-thin...
Elastic neutrino-electron scattering provides an important tool for normalizing neutrino flux in modern experiments. This process is subject to large radiative corrections. We determine the Fermi effective theory performing the one-loop matching to the Standard model at the electroweak scale with subsequent running down to low energies. Based on this theory, we analytically evaluate virtual...
The MEG II experiment at Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland intends to achieve a sensitivity to search for muon decay to electron and gamma as good as 6x10^{-14}. The detector upgrade from the MEG experiment, which set the limit of 4.2x10^{-13} at 90% C.L., is intensively in progress toward the start of physics data acquisition in 2020. We present the status and plan of MEG II exerpiment.
The SHiP Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose experimental facility operating in beam dump mode at the CERN SPS accelerator with the aim of searching for light, long-lived exotic particles of Hidden Sector models. The SHiP experiment incorporates a muon shield based on magnetic sweeping and two complementary apparatuses. The detector immediately downstream of the muon shield is...
T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment producing a beam of muon neutrinos at the Japan Particle Accelerator Research Centre on the East coast of Japan and measuring their oscillated state 295 km away at the Super Kamiokande detector. Since 2016 T2K has doubled its data in both neutrino and antineutrino beam modes. Coupled with improvements in analysis techniques this has enabled the...
The 2.0 GeV, 5 MW proton linac for the European Spallation Source, ESS, will have the capacity to accelerate additional pulses and send them to a neutrino target, providing an excellent opportunity to produce an unprecedented high performance neutrino beam, the ESS neutrino Super Beam (ESSnuSB). ESSnuSB aims at measuring, with precision, the CP violating angle at the 2nd oscillation maximum...
In this talk I will discuss the capability of the ESS$\nu$SB experiment to measure leptonic CP phase $\delta_{CP}$. In particular I will discuss, (i) sensitivity for different baseline options, (ii) the effect of systematic errors and (iii) optimisation of the neutrino to antineutrino run ratio. In addition I will also present a comparative analysis between T2HK and ESS$\nu$SB, pointing out...
The DeeMe experiment is planned to search for muon-to-electron conversion at J-PARC MLF. Our goal is to measure the process with a single event sensitivity of $1 \times 10^{-13}$ or $2 \times 10^{-14}$ for a graphite or silicon carbide target. That is one or two orders of magnitude better than the current upper limits, $7 \times 10^{-13}$ for a gold target by the SINDRUM-II experiment at PSI...
The ESSnuSB project proposes the production of a European neutrino Super Beam for the discovery of the CP symmetry violation in the leptonic sector. For this purpose, an upgrade is under design of the 5 MW, 2 GeV proton beam from the LINAC of the European Spallation Source, currently under construction in Lund (Sweden), to obtain an additional 5 MW power beam dedicated to the neutrino...
After reviewing the motivation for radiative neutrino mass generation and a systematic approach to the construction of such models, I will present a specific model that features two scalar leptoquarks and a vector-like coloured fermion doublet. As well as generating neutrino mass at loop level, this theory can also fit the data hinting at lepton flavour universality violation in semi-leptonic...
As the lepton number and lepton flavor are conserved quantities in Standard Model, observation of charged lepton flavor violation (cLFV) process will provide clues on beyond-Standard model theories. COMET is an experiment at J-PARC, Japan, which will search for neutrinoless conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus (μ− + N → e− + N); a lepton flavor violating process. The...
The Mu2e experiment will measure the charged-lepton flavor violating (CLFV) neutrino-less conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of a nucleus. Mu2e will improve the previous measurement by four orders of magnitude, reaching a 90% C.L. sensitivity to CLFV conversion rates of $8\times10^{-17}$ or larger. The experiment will reach mass scales of nearly $10^4$ TeV, far beyond...
The measurement of neutrino mass is still one of the most compelling issues in modern particle physics. Beta or electron capture (EC) spectrum end-point study is currently the only experimental method which can provide a model independent measurement. The HOLMES experiment aims at directly measuring the neutrino mass with a calorimetric approach: the source is embedded inside the detector and...
ARIADNE, a state-of-the-art 1-ton two-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC), features a game-changing photographic readout utilising photon sensitive cameras to image the secondary scintillation light produced in THGEM holes. ARIADNE underwent testing at the T9 beam line, CERN East Area in Spring 2018. ARIADNE is the first two-phase LAr TPC with photographic capabilities to be...
The SHiP Collaboration has proposed a general-purpose experimental facility operating in beam dump mode at the CERN SPS accelerator with the aim of searching for light, long-lived exotic particles of Hidden Sector models. The SHiP experiment incorporates a muon shield based on magnetic sweeping and two complementary apparatuses. The detector immediately downstream of the muon shield is...
The JUNO detector was designed to achieve 3% energy resolution which required 18k high quantum efficiency 20-inch PMTs (LPMTs) closely packed around liquid scintillator (LS) target ball. Beside this, 25k 3-inch PMTs (SPMTs) were also designed to install between the gaps of LPMTs to make a double calorimetry system to improve and extend JUNO physics, such as improving energy resolution, muon...
The leptonic CP phase has profound physical consequences due to its possible connection with leptogenesis for explaining the existence of matter in the Universe. To some extent, the leptonic CP phase is even more important than the Higgs boson that provide mass for all fundamental particles. If we cannot understand the existence of matter, why we need to care about their mass. However, the...
We started to provide DC muon beams to world wide users in 2015 at Osaka, Japan. The DC muon facility was built in Research Center of Nuclear Physics (RCNP) of Osaka University, and was named MuSIC.
In MuSIC, muons are generated using 392 MeV protons hitting a Graphite target. Then, all charged secondary particles are immediately captured by a 3.5 Tesla magnetic field. This particle capture...
In view of the J-PARC program of upgrades of the beam intensity, the T2K collaboration is preparing towards an increase of the exposure aimed at establishing leptonic CP violation at 3 $\sigma$ level for a significant fraction of the possible $\delta_{CP}$ values. To reach this goal, an upgrade of the T2K near detector ND280 has been launched, with the aim of reducing the overall statistical...
WAGASCI-BabyMIND is a set of new neutrino detectors to measure the neutrino cross-section with the T2K neutrino beam. It is composed of neutrino detectors made of water and scintillator surrounded by muon range detectors made of iron and scintillator. The downstream muon range detector is magnetized to discriminate the charge of the muons. It is located in the same building as ND280 but at the...
A pulsed muon beam with unprecedented intensity will be generated by a 3-GeV 333-microA proton beam on a muon target made of 20-mm thick isotropic graphite at J-PARC MLF MUSE (Muon Science Establishment). The energy deposited by a 1-MW proton beam is estimated to be 3.9kW in the muon target. The first muon beam was successfully generated on September 26th, 2008. Gradually upgrading the beam...
Albeit great success in the discovery of neutrino oscillations, inconsistency between three-neutrino model and observed neutrino data has left a conundrum in neutrino physics called "neutrino anomalies". The sterile neutrino, as a hypothetical particle, coined to resolve the anomalies. Although some ambiguities related to the nuclear physics in reactors should be disentangled, the sterile...
Nuclear emulsion is a three dimensional tracking detector with
sub-micron resolution. Thanks to its high spatial resolution, emulsion
can detect short-length low energy tracks and measure track angle
precisely in neutrino/hadron interactions. Moreover, the emulsion has 4
pi solid angle acceptance (it's also useful to measure low energy
tracks) and can use target materials flexibly,...
The Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) provides the world$'$s highest intensity muon beam up to $\sim10^{8}\, \mu^{+}/\rm{s}$ at $28\, \rm{MeV/c}$ momentum. The HiMB project aims to improve this rate by two orders of magnitude. Meanwhile, the muCool collaboration is developing a device which converts a standard surface $\mu^{+}$ beam of cm-size and MeV-energy into a beam of 1$\,$mm-size and...
The IceCube detector is a multipurpose neutrino observatory located at the South Pole. With an instrumented volume of a cubic kilometer, IceCube can detect neutrino fluxes from all flavors in the GeV - PeV energy range. In the recent years IceCube has heralded the birth of neutrino astronomy with the discovery of an astrophysical neutrino flux. Besides its astrophysical program IceCube is also...
The knowledge of initial flux, energy and flavor of current neutrino beams is currently the main limitation for a precise measurement of neutrino cross sections. The ENUBET ERC project (2016-2021) is studying a facility based on a narrow band neutrino beam capable of constraining the neutrino fluxes normalization through the monitoring of the associated charged leptons in an instrumented decay...
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the neutrino-less conversion of a muon to an electron in the field of a nucleus. Negative muons will be produced from the decay of pions generated by the interaction of an 8 GeV proton beam with a tungsten target. The target will be installed in the bore of a production solenoid within a graded magnetic field so as to maximise the production and...
Understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions for energies around 1 GeV is of great importance to us because one of the major systematic uncertainties in current neutrino oscillation experiments comes from nuclear effects in those interactions.
The NINJA collaboration aims to study neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range of hundreds of MeV to a few GeV by using emulsion-based...
Mu2e is a new experiment under construction at Fermilab, which will search for coherent neutrinoless conversion of muons to electrons. In order to reach its projected single-event sensitivity of $3 \times 10^{-17},$ Mu2e will create the most intense muon beam ever developed, with $10^{10}$ muons per second stopping in the stopping target. Optimization of this muon beam for Mu2e will be discussed.
The charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) is a good probe to search for new physics beyond the standard model. If there is a neutral boson X which is lighter than muon and has CLFV interaction, a muon can decay into an electron and an X, i.e. $\mu\to eX$. The search for this process is expected to constraint the property of X. In this talk, we focus on a search for the rare decay of muon in a...
Fermilab’s NuMI (Neutrinos at the Main Injector) provides an intense, high-energy flux of muon-neutrinos toward the far detector in Ash River, Minnesota for the NOvA experiment. It’s neutrino beamline target system is under upgrade with the goal to make the beamline components and associated support systems robust at beam power up to 1 MW. This talk will cover the NuMI beam operation status,...
Mixing among three active neutrinos with three mass states has been well established.
A new mixing between sterile and active neutrinos with an eV-scale mass state is suggested by the results from numbers of short baseline experiments. Measuring electron antineutrinos from a nuclear reactor at very short baseline may reveal such active-to-sterile neutrino oscillation.
COMET (J-PARC) and Mu2e (Fermilab) are two experiments currently under construction that aspire to discover the neutrino-less muon to electron conversion BSM process. As a cooperation between the two experiments, AlCap was created to measure low energy particle emission spectra after nuclear muon capture in target materials aluminium and titanium. These measurements are important for...
Hyper-Kamiokande (Hyper-K) is a next generation underground water Cherenkov neutrino detector. It will serve as a far detector for a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment using the J-PARC neutrino beam, with sensitivity to exclude CP conservation over a range of parameter space. Hyper-K has a broad physics program, with further sensitivity to proton decay, atmospheric neutrinos, and...
The ICARUS collaboration employed the 760-ton T600 detector in a successful three-year physics run at the underground LNGS laboratories studying neutrino oscillations with the CNGS neutrino beam from CERN, and searching for atmospheric neutrino interactions. ICARUS performed a sensitive search for LSND-like anomalous $\nu_e$ appearance in the CNGS beam, which contributed to the constraints the...
EMuS (Experimental Muon Source) at CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) is a multidisciplinary project concerning very intense muon and pion beams mainly for muSR applications and particle physics. EMuS provides very intense beams by having as target system a unique superconducting capture solenoid incorporating a conical graphite target, with forward collection of muons and pions, and...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility at the Japanese KEK laboratory. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. With this data set, Belle II will be able to measure...
In nuSTORM facility pions are injected into the storage ring and a resulting circulating muon beam creates a neutrino flux with a perfectly know flavour content and spectrum. This makes nuSTORM an ideal laboratory to measure precisely neutrino interactions and to search for sterile neutrinos. Moreover, it may also offer to test novel concepts required for a future Muon Collider, like 6D...
The European Spallation Source Neutrino Super Beam (ESSnuSB) project aims at a discovery of leptonic CP violation with a precise measurement of the CP phase angle. ESSnuSB is characterized by an intense neutrino beam to be produced at the ESS by a 5-MW proton beam, and the placement of the far detector at the second oscillation maximum.
Preliminary performance assessments of different...
The primary goal of MicroBooNE is to address the origin of the excess of low energy electromagnetic-like events observed by MiniBooNE. This talk will present MicroBooNE's progress towards a low-energy excess result, including the status of targeted searches for both single-photon-like and electron-like events.
Neutral Current Quasi Elastic interactions (NCQE) of atmospheric neutrinos with 16O is a source of irreducible background for Supernova Relic Neutrinos (SRN) searches in water Cherenkov detectors like Super Kamiokande.
To get a better understanding of this background, T2K measures NCQE cross section via gamma rays emitted by 16O de-exciting after its interaction with a neutrino. However,...
The Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric $e^+ e^-$ collider. The design luminosity of the machine is $8\times 10^{35}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ and the Belle II experiment aims to record 50 ab$^{-1}$ of data, a factor of 50 more than its predecessor. From February to July 2018, the machine has completed a commissioning...
The J-PARC muon facility is trying to improve the sophistication of muon beam, so that we can respond to requests of material property study and particle physics study, or we can explore a brand new frontier of the usage of muon beam. I will focus on a development of slow negative muon beam in my talk.
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) at RAL has collected extensive data to study the ionization cooling of muons. Several million individual particle tracks have been recorded passing through a series of focusing magnets in a number of different configurations and a liquid hydrogen or lithium hydride absorber. Measurement of the tracks upstream and downstream of the absorber has...
It is an unsolved problem of prime importance whether the neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana paricles. The Majoranality of neutrinos is predicted in the presence of V+A interactions. It appeares as a time-reversal (T) symmetry breaking term in the general form of the differential decay rate of muons [1]. Positrons from muon decays are mostly polarized in the longitudinal direction. However, the...
JSNS2 experiment is a sterile neutrino experiment being prepared at J-PARC MLF beam line. The experiment directly tests the LSND sterile neutrino result using the same neutrino (muon decay at rest) and the same detection reaction (inverse beta decay), yet much better S/N ratio, statistics and energy resolution. The group is now constructing the detector aiming at starting the data taking soon....
Multiple Coulomb scattering and energy loss are well known phenomena experienced by charged particles as they traverse a material. However, from recent measurements by the MuScat collaboration, it is known that the simulation code (GEANT4) available at the time overestimated the scattering of muons in low Z materials. Updates to GEANT4 have brought the simulations in line with the MuScat data...
We consider a hybrid setup consisting of neutrino data from T2HK along with antineutrinos from a muon decay-at-rest (muDAR) source. Such a setup has already been studied before in the context of standard oscillations. We now explore the ability of this setup to measure charged-current non-standard interactions (NSIs) of neutrinos that can affect the production and detection of neutrinos. We...
Three-flavor neutrino oscillations have successfully explained a wide range of neutrino oscillation data. However, the excess of events as seen by the LSND and MiniBooNE experiments and the deficit of events seen at the GALLEX and SAGE experiments when exposed to a calibration source can be interpreted as short-baseline neutrino oscillations consistent with the existence of a sterile neutrino...
The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment, MICE, has demonstrated transverse emittance reduction through ionization cooling. Transverse ionization cooling can be used either to prepare a beam for acceleration in a neutrino factory or for the initial stages of beam cooling in a muon collider. Later stages of ionization cooling in the muon collider require the longitudinal emittance to be...
We investigate invisible decays of the third neutrino mass eigenstate in future accelerator neutrino experiments using muon-decay beams such as MuOn-decay MEdium baseline NeuTrino beam experiment (MOMENT). MOMENT has outstanding potential to measure the deficit or excess in the spectra caused by neutrino decays, especially in muon neutrino/antineutrino disappearance channels. Such an...
The IceCube neutrino observatory is a cubic km neutrino telescope located at the geographic South Pole and can detect neutrinos with energies up to a few PeV. DeepCore is an infill array of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory that lowers the detectable energies of neutrinos to as low as 5 GeV. This wide range of atmospheric neutrinos allow for a broad range of particle physics, from measuring...