STREAM 3rd Annual Meeting and CV Writing & Job Interview Workshop
Auditorium A. Pictet A100 (at Sciences II building) (Université de Genève)
Auditorium A. Pictet A100 (at Sciences II building)
Université de Genève
Bâtiment Sciences II
Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30
1211 Genève 4 - Suisse
The event will be held at the Geneva University
Auditoire A. Pictet A100 (located at Sciences II building), Quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1211 Genève 4 - Suisse
Closest car parking possible at: Boulevard d'Yvoy 32, Geneva
The event is composed of :
- 23 January 2019 - Workshop on CV Writing and Job Interview - Compulsory for the STREAM ESRs
- 24 and 25 January 2019 - STREAM 3rd Annual Meeting - Compulsory for the entire STREAM consortium (ESRs, Beneficiaries an Partners Organisation)
- 25 January 2019 PM - Knowledge Transfer Workshop - Compulsory for the ESRs
Since the event will be held downtown Geneva, please consider the following lists of hotels (see more hotels in the attached files, namely: 2 stars and 3 stars hotels)
Alexandre Rozanov
Andrea Ferretti
Attilio Andreazza
Barbara Mehner
Callum Wood
Craig Buttar
Didier Ferrere
Ettore Zaffaroni
Filip Segmanovic
Francesco Piro
Georg Lenzen
Giuseppe Iacobucci
Han Hubert Dols
Heidi Sandaker
Heinz Pernegger
Horacio Mateos
Ingrid Jonak-Auer
Ivan Berdalovic
Ivan Dario Caicedo Sierra
Ivan Peric
Javier Bilbao de Mendizabal
Johannes Fellner
Konstantinos Moustakas
Lluis Simon Argemi
Luigi Mele
Mar Capeans Garrido
Mathieu Benoit
Norbert Wermes
Petra Riedler
Ralf Mario Roder
Roberto Cardella
Ruben Garcia Alia
Sarah Busef
Sergio Gonzalez Sevilla
Siddharth Bhat
Sonia Allegretti
Suligoj Tomislav
Thomas Fritzsch
Thomas Ortlepp
Tommaso Vincenzi
Walter Snoeys
Zongde Chen