29 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Northeastern University
US/Eastern timezone

Update on Semileptonic Decays via Lattice QCD

30 Jul 2019, 17:00
Shillman 325 (Northeastern University)

Shillman 325

Northeastern University

Oral Presentation Quark & Lepton Flavor Quark & Lepton Flavor


Dr William Jay (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


This talk will report recent results from ongoing lattice-QCD calculations of semileptonic decays from the Fermilab Lattice and MILC collaborations. The focus of the talk will be on heavy-to-light decays (D/B to K/$\pi$). These calculations play an essential role in determining CKM matrix elements (in particular, $|V_{us}|$, $|V_{cd}|$, and $|V_{ub}|$). They are also important for constraining flavor-changing-neutral-current processes that are currently in tension with the Standard Model.


Dr William Jay (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Presentation materials