Field & String Theory
- Mirjam Cvetic (University of Pennsylvania)
- Mirjam Cvetic (Departm.of Physics & Astronomy)
- Xi Yin (Harvard University)
Field & String Theory
- Mirjam Cvetic (Departm.of Physics & Astronomy)
- Xi Yin (Harvard University)
- Mirjam Cvetic (University of Pennsylvania)
parallel sessions
Quantization together with quantum dynamics can be simultaneously formulated as the problem of finding an appropriate flat connection on a Hilbert bundle over a contact manifold. Contact geometry treats time, generalized positions and momenta as points on an underlying phase-spacetime and reduces classical mechanics to contact topology. Contact quantization describes quantum dynamics in terms...
The singlet sector of vector, large $N$, 3d field theory corresponds to Vasiliev higher spin theory on $AdS_4$. Will discuss three dimensional $U(N)$ symmetric field theory with fermion and boson matter coupled to a topological Chern-Simons field. In the presence of a marginal deformation will determine the conditions for the existence of a phase with spontaneous breaking of scale...
In dimensionally reduced theories with gauge (or diffeomorphism) invariance, consistency of the Kaluza-Klein ansatz requires the introduction of compensator fields. The compensator fields project gauge-variant field fluctuations to their horizontal components, which in turn determine the gauge-invariant moduli space metric that appears in kinetic terms of the lower dimensional theory. The...
We compute scattering amplitudes for long strings in c=1 string theory and in the dual matrix model. On the worldsheet side, the long string amplitudes are obtained from the boundary conformal field theory of open strings on FZZT branes, in a limit where the branes decouple. In particular, we compute tree-level amplitudes for a long string to emit a closed string, and for the 2-to-2 scattering...
In contrast to the fact that there are many interesting solutions to supergravity equations of motions describing backgrounds around which we can study physics, perturbative string theoretic approach to such backgrounds was mostly limited to special cases. In particular, it is commonly believed that the NSR formalism of perturbative string theory has limitations in describing type II strings...
We present an explicit construction of $\mathcal{O}(10^{15})$ globally consistent string compactifications that realize the exact chiral spectrum of the Standard Model of particle physics with gauge coupling unification in the context of F-theory. Utilizing the power of algebraic geometry, all global consistency conditions can be reduced to a single criterion on the base of the underlying...
The central idea of the bootstrap approach is to constrain observables directly from consistency conditions, eschewing the complexity of the Lagrangian formalism. In this talk, I will adopt this viewpoint and discuss how the structure of correlation functions in inflation is controlled by (approximate) conformal symmetry and singularities, focusing on three- and four-point functions at tree...