Particle Detectors
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
- Jeremy Mans (University of Minnesota (US))
- Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)
- Brian James Rebel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Particle Detectors
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
- Jeremy Mans (University of Minnesota (US))
- Brian James Rebel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)
Particle Detectors
- Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
- Jeremy Mans (University of Minnesota (US))
- Brian James Rebel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Particle Detectors
- Brian James Rebel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
- Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)
- Jeremy Mans (University of Minnesota (US))
Particle Detectors
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
- Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)
- Brian James Rebel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Jeremy Mans (University of Minnesota (US))
Particle Detectors
- Brian James Rebel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Jeremy Mans (University of Minnesota (US))
- Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
Particle Detectors
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
- Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)
- Jeremy Mans (University of Minnesota (US))
- Brian James Rebel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Particle Detectors
- Jeremy Mans (University of Minnesota (US))
- Guillermo Fernandez Moroni
- Bjoern Penning (Brandeis University)
- Brian James Rebel (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
parallel sessions
The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is a homogeneous calorimeter made of about 75000 lead tungstate scintillating crystals. In view of the high-luminosity phase of the LHC, the ECAL readout electronics must be upgraded to cope with the more stringent requirements in terms of trigger latency and rate, as well as the harsh radiation environment and the extreme level of pile-up events,...
As nuclear and high energy facilities around the world are upgraded and move to higher and higher intensities, the detectors in use at these facilities must become more radiation tolerant. Diamond is a material in use at many facilities due to its inherent radiation tolerance and ease of use. In this talk, we will present the results of recent radiation tolerance measurements of the highest...
In the High Luminosity-LHC, the CMS Tracker will deliver data with gigabit rate. The pixel detector will be read out using a custom chip developed by the RD-53 collaboration. Low-mass, high bandwidth electrical links transfer the data at a speed of 1.28 Gbps from the readout chip to a low power gigabit transceiver. This transceiver will further send the serialized data at the rate of 10 Gbps...
The Gigabit Transceiver (GBCR) is one of the ASICs designed for the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) upgrade project. It recovers the high-frequency loss of the data in the transmission cable that brings signals from the pixel readout chip. There are 4 receiver channels, each operating at 5.12 Gbps, and a transmitter channel operating at 2.56 Gbps. The first prototype has been designed and tested...
The Monitored Drift Tube (MDT) detector will be used at the first-level trigger to improve the muon transverse momentum resolution and thus reduce the muon trigger rate for high-luminosity LHC runs. The small-diameter MDT (sMDT), with half the drift-tube diameter of the MDT and using the same readout electronics, will be installed in detector regions where MDT chambers will not fit. A new...
The future PANDA experiment at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt (Germany) is a fixed-target experiment for collisions of antiprotons with a proton target up to a beam momentum of 15 GeV/c and designed to address a large number of open questions in the hadron physics sector. In order to guarantee an excellent Particle Identification (PID) for charged hadrons in...
During the LHC Run-2 operations ATLAS gathered a total of $139~fb^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision data at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=13~$TeV. The uncertainty on the measurement of the total integrated luminosity, $1.7\%$, is the dominant uncertainty for a number of analyses. A precise luminosity measurement is therefore of high importance. In this talk, we provide a description of the...
The PPS (Precision Proton Spectrometer) detector system consists of silicon tracking stations as well as timing detectors to measure both the position and direction of protons and their time-of-flight with high precision. They are located at around 200 m from the interaction point in the very forward region on both sides of the CMS experiment. PPS is built to study Central Exclusive Production...
As part of the Phase II upgrade program for HL-LHC, the CMS Detector will be instrumented with a new precision timing layer (the MIP Timing Detector), dedicated to providing timing information (with resolution of ~30-40 ps) for charged particles. This upgrade will reduce the effects of pile-up expected at the HL-LHC and will bring new and unique capabilities to the CMS detector. We will...
As part of the CMS Phase II Upgrade, a new MIP Timing Detector (MTD) will measure minimum ionizing particles with a time resolution of ~30-40 ps and hermetic coverage up to a pseudo-rapidity of |η|=3. The central Barrel Timing Layer (BTL) will be based on LYSO:Ce crystals read out with SiPMs. The BTL will use elongated crystal bars with double-sided read out, with a SiPM on each end of the...
The MIP Timing Detector (MTD) of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is designed to provide precision timing information (with resolution of ~40 ps) for charged particles (MIPs), with hermetic coverage up to a pseudo-rapidity of |η|=3. The endcap region of MTD, called the Endcap Timing Layer (ETL), covers the high radiation pseudo-rapidity region between |η|=1.6 and 3.0. We present an overview of...
The endcap portion of the CMS MIP Timing Detector (MTD), denoted the Endcap Timing Layer (ETL), will be instrumented with silicon-based low gain avalanche detectors (LGADs). We present the status of recent R&D efforts for LGADs, with a focus on sensor characterization from bench tests and dedicated test beams, and including studies of time resolution, geometry, doping, and uniformity, along...
DarkSide-20k is a dual-phase argon detector for dark matter searches, which has the capability to push the sensitivity for WIMP detection several orders of magnitude beyond current levels. It will have ultra-low backgrounds and sensitivity to WIMP-nucleon cross section down to 1.2 x 10^{47} cm^2 for WIMPs of 1 TeV/c^2 mass with a LAr exposure of 100 t yr. The DarkSide-20k detector is currently...
To observe signals from low-energy nuclear recoils, including WIMP-xenon scatters, the LZ dark matter detector must maintain strong drift and extraction fields within its dual-phase xenon time projection chamber (TPC). This will be accomplished with a set of four high-voltage grids made of stainless steel wire mesh that are placed at various heights in the TPC. Reaching and holding the grids’...
The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) is a rapidly developing new technology for sub-keV nuclear recoil detection. Demonstrations in liquid xenon at the few-gram scale have confirmed that this technique combines the event-by-event energy resolution of a liquid-noble scintillation detector with the world-leading electron-recoil discrimination capability of the bubble chamber, and in fact...
Noble liquid detectors have become an attractive option for exploring physics beyond the standard model. Current experiments are using these detectors to search for dark matter interactions, neutrinoless double beta decay, and other phenomena. Improved energy resolution can be leveraged from an optimized combination of two detection channels: ionization and scintillation. Experimentally, a...
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) is a Stage IV dark energy experiment under construction to measure the expansion history of the Universe using baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and the growth of structure using redshift-space distortions (RSD). With 5000 robotically-actuated fibre positioners, the 5-year redshift survey will map 35 million galaxies and quasars and place new...
Large-scale neutrino detectors deploy a wide variety of technologies, most commonly water, ice, or scintillator targets surrounded by PMTs. The detected photons carry information that goes unused, most notably the wavelength, which can indicate the production method and travel time of the photon. In particular, in scintillator detectors, wavelength can be used to discriminate Cherenkov from...
Though hardware-based trackers were a crucial element of the triggering systems for both D0 and CDF, no such system has yet been incorporated into either ATLAS or CMS. The ATLAS Fast TracKer (FTK) is a first step towards this goal and will provide full tracking information for all events passing ATLAS’s Level-1 trigger in Run 3. This system greatly reduces the CPU required to identify...
The High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the standard model as well as searches for new physics beyond the standard model. Such precision measurements and searches require information-rich datasets with a statistical power that matches the high luminosity provided by the Phase-2 upgrade...
The High Luminosity upgraded LHC is expected to deliver proton-proton collisions per 25 ns with an estimated 140-200 pile up interactions per bunch crossing. Ultrafast track finding is vital for handling L1 trigger rates in such conditions. An FPGA-based track trigger system, capable of finding tracks with momenta above 2 GeV is presented.
Position resolution is a key property of the innermost layer of the upgraded ATLAS and CMS pixel detectors for determining track reconstruction and flavor tagging performance. The 11 GeV electron beam at the SLAC End Station A was used to measure the position resolution of RD53A modules with a $50\times50$ and $25\times100\ \mu$m$^2$ pitch. Tracks are reconstructed from hits on telescope...
The ITK strips project is an integral part of the HL-LHC upgrade of the ATLAS detector in 2026, allowing for a fast and accurate reconstruction of charged particle tracks in a busy pileup environment while withstanding the extreme radiation conditions associated with a peak instantaneous luminosity of 7.5 x 10$^{34}$ cm$^{−2}$s$^{−1}$. A major component of the ITK strips projects is the...
The CMS inner tracking system is a fully silicon-based high precision detector. Accurate knowledge of the positions of inactive elements (such as support structures or shields) is important for simulating the detector, planning detector upgrades, and reconstructing charged particle tracks.
The position of the inactive elements can be determined with a limited precision by the geometrical...
The Mu2e experiment is designed to search for the charged-lepton-flavor-violating
process, $\mu^-$ to a $e^-$, with unprecedented sensitivity. The single 105-MeV
electron that results from this process can be mimicked by cosmic-ray muons or their
products entering the detector. An active veto detector surrounding the apparatus
is used to detect incoming cosmic-ray muons. To reduce the...
The NuSOL collaboration pursues the physics motivation and detector development for a neutrino detector in space. I will briefly present some of the physics motivation for detecting solar neutrinos at a distance of just a few solar radii from the sun. The environment close to the sun provides very different backgrounds from those present on Earth. I will also discuss some detector design...
Many neutrino mass extensions to the standard model require the neutrino to be a Majorana fermion. If this is the case, the rare process of neutrinoless double beta decay is predicted with half lives greater than about 10^25 years. Many current and future experiments look for this decay by identifying a summed double beta energy at the Q value of the decay, but adding energy and angular...
Gas filled Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) can be used to study neutrino interactions at next generation long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments such as DUNE. These detectors have many advantages, particularly their low energy threshold and high angular efficiency. A High Pressure TPC (HPTPC) additionally allows the gas to serve as the neutrino interaction target with good interaction...
Future long baseline neutrino experiments such as the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) call for the deployment of multiple multi-kiloton scale liquid argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs). To date, two detector readout technologies are being studied in large-scale prototype detectors: the single phase (SP) and dual phase (DP) detectors using projective charge readout wire/strip...
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is a gigaton-scale Cherenkov detector in full operation at the South Pole since 2010. I will discuss new, more advanced photosensors designed for the IceCube Phase 1 Upgrade, scheduled for deployment in 2022/23. Further improvements are under development for the future IceCube Gen2 Observatory, including more radical new designs which will be field-tested in...
The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE) is designed to serve as a test bed for new detector technologies in future water and liquid scintillator based neutrino experiments. Located on the Booster Neutrino Beam at Fermilab, ANNIE will be the first gadolinium-loaded water Cherenkov detector on a neutrino beam and will provide high statistics measurements of neutron yields...
With many current and future neutrino experiments relying on Liquid
Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) technology, characterizing the
performance of these detectors is critical. The MicroBooNE experiment
is capable of performing numerous measurements to better understand
the technology. These include identification and filtering of excess
TPC noise, signal calibration, recombination,...
The Short Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is one of three liquid argon (LAr) neutrino detectors sitting in the Booster Neutrino Beam (BNB) at Fermilab as part of the Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. The detector is in a cryostat holding 260-ton of LAr and consists of four 2.5 m (L) × 4 m (W) Anode Plane Assembles (APAs) and two Cathode Plane Assemblies (CPAs), which leads to 11,264 Time...
The Short Baseline Near Detector (SBND) is a 112 ton active mass liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) that will begin operations in the Booster Neutrino Beamline at Fermilab in 2020. Its main physics goals include high-statistics measurements of neutrino-argon interaction cross-sections and searches for sterile neutrino oscillations as part of three LArTPCs that make up the Short...
The protoDUNE-SP detector is a large-scale prototype of the single-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) design proposed for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). 15360 LArTPC wires are instrumented with low electronic noise pre-amplifier and digitization ASICs integrated into Front End Motherboards (FEMBs) operating at cryogenic temperature within the cryostat. The...
The detections of photons is fundamental to the detection of particles. The photomultiplier tube (PMT) has been the workhorse of photodetection for over fifty years. It provides robust, low noise, detection of single photons with nanosecond timing. However, we have reached fundamental limits in its performance and production scaling. This talk will review the status of photodetectors from PMT...
We present a novel "Skipper" readout technology for Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs). Skipper-CCDs have a readout stage that allows the charge contained in every pixel of the CCD to be measured non-destructively multiple times. These multiple samples can be averaged, so that the root-mean-square (RMS) of the measurement noise decreases with the square root of the number of samples. By averaging...
Large-area lithium-drifted silicon (Si(Li)) detectors, operable 150ºC above liquid nitrogen temperature, have been developed for the General Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) Antarctic balloon mission. GAPS is designed to look for possible signatures of dark matter annihilation or decay in low-energy (kinetic energy < 0.25 GeV/n) cosmic antinuclei, with particle identification based on exotic...
In HEP experiments, calorimeters play a crucial role for measurements of energy, direction and timing of photons, electrons and jets, as well as missing energies. We report recent developments and interesting R&D efforts for various calorimetry technologies. The challenges presented at future HEP experiments and the research directions for advanced calorimeter technologies are discussed.
Many physics analyses using the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the LHC require accurate, high-resolution electron and photon energy measurements. Excellent energy resolution is crucial for studies of Higgs boson decays with electromagnetic particles in the final state, as well as searches for additional intermediate or high-mass resonances decaying to energetic photons or electrons....
The muon system of the CMS experiment includes 540 Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) that serve as the primary source for muon detection and triggering in the endcap region. The CSCs are intended to operate throughout the lifetime of the CMS experiment, including the challenging environment of the HL-LHC era. To access the longevity of the CSCs over the HL-LHC lifespan, a recent campaign of...
The characterization of the properties of the Higgs boson relies on the precise determination of its mass, width, and couplings. The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment (CMS) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) plays a crucial role in such a task: maintaining and improving the excellent performance achieved in Run 1 is fundamental for measurements in the...
On behalf of the CMS Collaboration:
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) is a high resolution crystal calorimeter operating at the CERN LHC. It is responsible for the identification and precise reconstruction of electrons and photons in CMS, which were crucial in the discovery and subsequent characterization of the Higgs boson. It also contributes to the reconstruction of tau leptons,...
The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL), one of the main subsystems of the CMS detector, measures the energies of electrons and photons. The ECAL is made of 75848 lead tungstate (PbWO_4) crystals. The transparency of crystals is affected by irradiation and the laser monitoring system is designed to measure the transparency changes for each ECAL crystal over time. The aging of the light...
The International Large Detector (ILD) is a detector concept for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider with an initial center-of-mass energy of 250 GeV (extendable to 1 TeV). The ILD is optimized with the concept of particle flow for overall event reconstruction so that it will deliver excellent performance for high-precision Higgs and top...
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) will integrate about 10 times more luminosity than the LHC, posing significant challenges for radiation tolerance and event pileup on detectors, especially for forward calorimetry. As part of its HL-LHC upgrade program, the CMS collaboration is designing a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) to replace the existing endcap calorimeters. It features...
We will describe a complete end-to-end simulation of the response of
scintillator counters to charged particles. These counters were extruded
with a titanium dioxide surface coating and two channels for the
embedded wavelength-shifting fibers which are read out by silicon
photomultipliers. The simulation includes the production and propagation
of scintillation and Cerenkov photons, the...
The CMS MIP Timing Detector (MTD) will bring precision timing information as part of the Phase II upgrade program to prepare CMS for the HL-LHC. The MTD will provide hermetic timing coverage up to a pseudo-rapidity of |η| = 3, with time resolution better than 40 ps. In the high-radiation forward region from |η|=1.6 and 3.0, this is achieved with the Endcap Timing Layer (ETL) that is based on...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino experiment. Its physics goal is to measure 𝜃23 and 𝛿𝐶𝑃 values and to determine the mass hierarchy of neutrinos. NOvA has two functionally identical detectors, both of which are fine segmented and filled by liquid scintillator. In NOvA oscillation analyses, the systematic uncertainty contributed from scintillator response is one of the significant systematic...
The Cosmic Ray Tagger (CRT) is a subsystem of the ICARUS detector at the Fermilab Short-Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program. The primary purpose of CRT system is to reduce the backgrounds in the neutrino oscillation analysis. Background suppression is achieved by surrounding the cryostat with a detector capable of tagging incident cosmic muons with high efficiency (95%). This talk will report on...
We discuss detectors for MIPs(minimum ionizing particles) capable of timing precision to ±10’s ps, simultaneously with rate capabilities exceeding 100’s of MHz. Issues for defining a Figure of Merit(FOM) for timing scales as τdecay/√Nelectrons, and rate capability FOM scales inversely as τdecay. For optical transducers (SiPM, PMT, MCP-PMT), the timing precision is dominated by τrise, τdecay...
This detector R&D effort focuses on the development of long-life microchannel plate (MCP) photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) capable of high rate operations. MCP-PMTs typically use two compact lead glass plates with many small holes (pores) ~$10 \mu m$ under high voltage to provide electron multiplying functionality. The compact and segmented MCP-PMTs have the capacity to be photon detection devices...
The Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) offers an unprecedented intensity for neutrino physics. We discuss a proposal to enhance the LBNF physics programs at Fermilab with the addition of a high-resolution magnetized detector at the near site. The detector is largely based upon reusing an existing superconducting magnet and electromagnetic calorimeter, supplemented with a new low-density...
The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the charged-lepton-flavor-violating process of coherent muon-to-electron conversion in the presence of a nucleus with a sensitivity four orders of magnitude beyond the current strongest limits. The goal of single-event sensitivity requires that all backgrounds must sum to significantly less than one event. One potential background is due to...
Current liquid-argon time projection chambers make use of wire planes called anode plane assemblies to measure ionization electrons. For quality assurance reasons, the tension of those wires needs to be within tolerance. In kiloton-scale liquid-argon time projection chambers, the large number of wires for which the tension needs to be measured becomes an issue due to the slow speed of the...
NOvA is a long-baseline neutrino experiment aiming to study neutrino oscillation phenomenon in the muon neutrino beam from complex NuMI at Fermilab (USA). Two identical detectors have been built to measure the initial neutrino flux spectra at the near site and the oscillated one at a 810 km distance, which significantly reduces many systematic uncertainties. To improve electron neutrino and...
A goal for hadron and jet calorimetry is a resolution scaling better than σE/√E < 20%/√E, with a goal of σE/E<3% at 50 GeV, in order to identify and separate W and Z decays to jet-jet with a 2.5-3σ confidence in the separation. The jet-jet decays have 5-6 times the rate of W,Z decays to leptons and greatly increase the ability to search for BSM (Beyond the Standard Model) physics. Dual Readout...
The MKIDs are devices fabricated with superconducting thin film technology. The principle of operation is counting the number of quasiparticles excited by the interaction of a particle. In the case of a photon, this is absorbed producing a breaking of cooper pairs which change the density of quasiparticles of the detector. For other particles massive as neutrinos or WIMPS the quasiparticles...
The high luminosity (HL) upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will help to achieve instantaneous luminosity a factor of five larger than the current value and will enable the experiments to increase their data sets significantly. However, the number of simultaneous proton-proton interactions in the time span of 25 ns will be as high as 200 at the HL-LHC. To mitigate these effects, the...
Energy depositions of particles interacting in dual-phase xenon detectors, such as XENON1T and LUX, create measurable scintillation and ionization signals. These current detectors observe few-electron ionization signals trailing for hundreds of milliseconds after high-energy interactions. Low-energy interactions, such as from sub-GeV dark matter, would only be detectable through an ionization...
Particle physics detectors increasingly make use of custom FPGA firmware and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for data readout and triggering. As these designs become more complex, it is important to ensure that they are simulated under realistic operating conditions before beginning production. This talk will cover the use of cocotb, an open source digital logic verification...