1:00 PM
Overview, Challenges, Opportunities
(until 3:20 PM)
(One West)
1:00 PM
Welcome to the LPC
Sergo Jindariani
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
(One West)
1:05 PM
The IRIS-HEP Blueprint: Concepts and Process
Mark Stephen Neubauer
(Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
(One West)
1:25 PM
Overview of triggering and real-time systems
Isobel Ojalvo
(Princeton University (US))
(One West)
1:55 PM
Future computing architectures
Paolo Calafiura
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
(One West)
2:30 PM
Energy-efficient Machine Learning
Andreas Moshovos
(University of Toronto)
(One West)
3:00 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:20 PM
Science applications and connections
(until 6:05 PM)
(1 West)
3:20 PM
(Fast) Machine Learning at the LHC
- Dr
Jean-Roch Vlimant
(California Institute of Technology (US))
(1 West)
3:50 PM
(Fast) Machine Learning in Cosmology
Brian Nord
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Brian Nord
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
(1 West)
4:20 PM
(Fast) Machine Learning for Accelerators
Auralee Edelen
(1 West)
4:50 PM
(Fast) Machine Learning for Neutrinos
Georgia Karagiorgi
(1 West)
5:20 PM
(Fast) Machine Learning for Gravitational Waves
Eliu Huerta Escudero
(1 West)
7:00 PM
Workshop Dinner
(1 West)