RADSAGA System Level Test Review

from Monday 11 November 2019 (16:00) to Wednesday 13 November 2019 (17:30)
CERN (774/R-013)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
11 Nov 2019
12 Nov 2019
13 Nov 2019
Introduction session (until 10:15) (774/R-013)
08:45 --- Welcome coffee ---
09:15 RADSAGA review introduction and objectives - Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN)   (774/R-013)
09:45 System level testing status in radiation effects community - Andrea Coronetti (CERN)   (774/R-013)
10:15 --- Coffee ---
Facilities and radiation environment considerations (until 12:15) (774/R-013)
10:30 Radiation field representativeness, homogeneity and penetration requirements - Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN)   (774/R-013)
10:50 System level testing in CHARM - Rudy Ferraro (CERN) Salvatore Danzeca (CERN)   (774/R-013)
11:15 System level testing in ChipIr - Carlo Cazzaniga (Università Milano Bicocca)   (774/R-013)
11:40 Board and system level testing in other RADSAGA facilities and beyond - Daniel Paul Soderstrom   (774/R-013)
08:15 Registration for the CHARM visit   (Building 55)
CHARM visit (until 10:00) (157/R-048)
10:00 ESR15: On-Board Computer and camera for space applications - Andrea Coronetti (CERN)   (774/R-013)
10:30 Summary of methodology aspects derived from system level testing - Andrea Coronetti (CERN)   (774/R-013)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
11:20 Roadmap for future activities, including guideline structure and outline - Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN)   (774/R-013)
16:00 Review panel preparation meeting   (4/3-001)
12:15 --- LUNCH ---
Study cases and related methodology (until 16:35) (774/R-013)
13:15 ESR7: Wide-bandgap DCDC converter - Kimmo Niskanen   (774/R-013)
13:45 ESR12: 3D Point-of-load DCDC - Tomasz Krzysztof Rajkowski   (774/R-013)
14:15 ESR14: Software Defined Radio for space applications - Jan Budroweit   (774/R-013)
14:45 ESR13: FPGA modules for avionic and new space applications - Israel Da Costa Lopes   (774/R-013)
15:15 --- Coffee ---
15:35 Round-table discussion   (774/R-013)
ALICE detector visit (until 17:35) ()
19:00 --- DINNER ---
12:00 --- Lunch with Review Panel ---
14:00 Closed review panel meeting for outcome discussion   (14/5-022)