29 November 2021 to 3 December 2021
Virtual and IBS Science Culture Center, Daejeon, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone


Update: The proceedings are now published as Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume 2438 (15 Feb. 2023) and available online.  Please refer here for how to cite contributions.

We ask authors to submit proceedings papers to accompany their plenary, parallel or poster presentations. These are the most detailed records of their work for this workshop. The papers will be published by IOPscience in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series as open access.

The paper submission platform has been prepared by Morressier. The due date for the submission has been moved to Sunday, February 27, 2022 KST.

Page Limit: 5 pages for posters, 6 for a parallel talk, and 8 for a plenary. If you need more please get in touch - but we must also consider the work load on people who are reviewing the submissions.

The template and guideline pages can be found here. Both MS Word and LaTeX templates are provided.

If you are an ACAT 2021 contributor but has not received a notice on how to access the platform, please contact us ASAP.