4 September 2020 to 2 October 2020
Europe/Athens timezone
After the physical conference, an internet only session took place 1 and 2 October 2020. This program appears in the timetable as well.

Dark matter searches at CMS

7 Sept 2020, 16:55
Room 1

Room 1

Talk Plenary


Ben Kilminster (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))


Searches in CMS for dark matter particles, mediators, and dark sector extensions will be presented. Various final states, topologies , and kinematic variables are explored utilizing the full LHC Run-II data-set collected at the LHC.


Ben Kilminster

Is this abstract from experiment? Yes
Name of experiment and experimental site CMS experiment
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk No

Primary author

Ben Kilminster (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))

Presentation materials