September 4, 2020 to October 2, 2020
Europe/Athens timezone
After the physical conference, an internet only session took place 1 and 2 October 2020. This program appears in the timetable as well.

COVID-19 Related Requirements

2 September 2020 news:
Latest news are that Greece allows the entrance of travellers from Russia from Monday 6 September 2020 on, provided they
- arrive in an airport in Athens, Thessaloniki or Herakleion (and not in other airports)
- they have done a test COVID-19 with the PCR method (saliva test) the 72 hours prior to their arrival and the test is negative
- there is a limit of no more than 500 people per week entering in all airports mentioned
- must fill the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) in the day before arrival and have it available in hand at arrival
We invite the colleagues from Russia to consider coming to ICNFP 2020 in person.
If you arrive in Athens we suggest you to take either the boat from Pireus to Souda (in Chania) or to Herakleion or the flight from Athens to Herakleion or to Chania.
If you plan to come please let us know as soon as possible.
We note also that the limit of 500 people per week is very small and will be filled up fast, so if you are interested you should book flights as soon as possible.
27 August 2020 news:
The current restrictions for people in Chania till 6 Sept 2020 are
- must use masque in closed and open areas
- must sit no more than 4 people in one restaurant table
The above restrictions will be also applied in OAC taverna and OAC space. 
Masques do not apply to the beach and tavernas.
The next restriction apply only to places outside OAC and is important for participants that may go for a walk around:
- cannot gather together more than 9 people in any place (out of OAC).
Conferences are exempt of that rule provided they keep the restrictions of distances as required.
A part of people are tested for COVID-19 at arrival in the airport. If you are found positive you will need to undergo self quarantine. OAC has foreseen special rooms for self quarantine.

Measures during conference

  1. There must be 1 empty seat between conference participants in the meeting rooms
  2. Only people with name badges/people with permission are allowed to enter the meeting room. The venue responsible will control this from time to time
  3. Antiseptic lotion will be provided at the entrance and is to be used by every person before entering the meeting room and also before using the conference-site laptop
  4. The conference room is to be entered according to the safety measures (distance between people, no handshakes etc.)
  5. The speaker microphones, the remote control as well as aisle microphones must be cleaned after each speaker. Table microphones of the panel must be cleaned after every session
  6. Seats of the panel must be in distance from each other
  7. The doors (conference rooms as well as building) must remain open for fresh air. Use of A/C only with special measures
  8. It is recommended to send talks electronically the day before and not bring USB sticks
  9. For the speakers and panel, bottled water will be provided
  10. In the foyer, antiseptic lotion will be provided
  11. NO papers/flyers/printed programme is to be used; everything has to be sent electronically to the participants, also the name badges and certificates of attendance
  12. Use of the elevator only for people with special needs
  13. Whoever has symptoms of COVID-19 must stay away from the meeting and refer to the reception for further steps
  14. The same measures apply to all conference rooms used

Measures for hotels

  1. Every person is asked to bring and use their own pen to fill in forms handed out at the reception
  2. Name, address, telephone number, email address etc. is to be given by every guest to the hotel/venue
  3. All information given to the hotel/venue is to be kept at the reception
  4. A “book of incidents” is to be kept at the reception. All movements of guests/participants (shopping, excursion, walk, etc.) are to be noted in this book
  5. Only single rooms or rooms used by family are allowed. NO shared rooms
  6. Cleaning will not be done every day, but upon request and/or at the end of the stay
  7. Rooms that have been used by a healthy person must be cleaned and can be used again only after 24 hours at least
  8. Rooms that have been used by an infected person must be kept closed for 72 hours and then cleaned and disinfected
  9. People must keep a distance of at least 1,5 meters when standing in a line. The will be indicators on the floor in front of the reception desk

Measures for restaurants

  1. No more than 10 people are allowed to sit at one table
  2. There must be a distance of 1,5 meters between the different tables
  3. Only staff is allowed to hand out food. No self-service. Plates that have been used must not be used again. There must be a distance of 1,5m between people waiting at the buffet. Participants are asked to have their meal and then leave the dining area to make space for others
Please note that masques are obligatory in Greece and if you are catched by police without masque it costs 150 EURO penalty.

Travel Information

Travel information can be found on official web-pages: