September 4, 2020 to October 2, 2020
Europe/Athens timezone
After the physical conference, an internet only session took place 1 and 2 October 2020. This program appears in the timetable as well.

Latest News - ICNFP 2020

The ICNFP 2020 conference is planned to take place in Crete the foreseen dates and people can proceed with purchasing of tickets, everyone assuming his/hers own responsibility for any potential loss.

However if you cannot come due to emergency you will be able to give your talk per internet. We invite talks per internet as well as talks in physical presence for the ICNFP 2020. Because of the pandemic we should remain flexible but make sure that the conference will be successful whatever happens. 

Therefore we will organize a hybrid (internet and physical talks) conference in Crete and if some talks cannot be given during the Crete conference they will be given in an extension of the conference that can take place later in September per internet only. In order to allow the above changes we extend deadline for abstract submissions to 13 August 2020.

If you are interested to participate please submit abstract and give in there your choice for internet or physical talk before 13 August 2020.

The State of Greece allows conferences with more than 50 people and travelling to Greece under certain conditions which are listed under separate item in this menu. Check also and European Commission latest information

The particular admittance of entry for different countries is left to the participants to survey.

We will start emailing you about your booking of OAC rooms soon.

The cancellation policy can be found in separate item in this menu.

This item will be continuously updated.