September 4, 2020 to October 2, 2020
Europe/Athens timezone
After the physical conference, an internet only session took place 1 and 2 October 2020. This program appears in the timetable as well.

Payments Overview

For presenters of talks per internet:

Conference fee: 435 EURO for Doctors, 335 EU for students
Plus: Conference centre additional fee: 50 EU

Adding the above gives the total price: 485 EU Doctors and 385 EU for students

For participants with presentation in physical presence:

Conference fee : 435 EU for Doctors, 335 EU for students

a) For those staying in OAC there is no further costs.
b) For those staying in hotel there is the additional cost of 30 EU per day to be paid to OAC (OAC fee).
These participants are expected to pay for at least 2 days this fee (even if they stay for one day).

Participants in hotels that wish to have meals should pay in advance of the conference (15 EU per meal)

How to reserve room in OAC:

1) Choose OAC as preference in registration and

2) wait for email with confirmation of booking and stating what you have to pay

3) upon which you have to pay cost of one day to reserve the room.

OAC accommodation prices:

Single accommodation 120 EURO

Two participants sharing a room (must be a couple or family members otherwise is not allowed to share rooms this year): 95+95 EURO

One participant with accompanying person: 95+60 EURO (60 EURO for each adult accompanying person).

For more details please consult the rest of the ICNFP 2020 webpage.