Workshop on
Physics of Exotic Nuclei
Dr. Leonid Grigorenko, JINR, Russia,
Dr. Boris Sharkov, FAIR Gmbh, JINR, Russia,
If you are interested to participate in the workshop, please choose this topic in the abstract submission. You can also contact by email the convenors.
The workshop is organized in the framework of the ICNFP 2019 – 8th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics. The workshop should provide platform for discussions on physics of exotic nuclei in long-term prospect (years 2024-2030 and beyond) especially in relation with long-term strategic scientific planning at JINR, Dubna (Russia).
The 2019 meeting starts on Wednesday, August 21st (arrival and registration starting at 4 p.m.) and ends on Friday, August 23rd.
Scientific Topics of the meeting will be focused on:
- Radioactive ion beam (RIB) physics
- Generation of exotic nuclei by modern accelerator techniques
- Specific of storage ring RIB physics
- Electron-RIB scattering studies in collider experiments
- Concept of Dubna Electron – Radioactive Ion Collider fAcility DERICA
The organizers encourage contributions to the following subjects:
- Broad review of modern “hot” topics in the radioactive ion beam physics and long term vision of research prospects in this field.
- Lively discussion of long-term trends should be linked to the scientific program of prospective DERICA project (Dubna Electron – Radioactive Ion Collider fAcility, see LoI at Unique RIB facility DERICA is suggested as a joint development of JINR (Dubna) and BINP (Novosibirsk). Project covers broad range of modern low-energy nuclear physics topics (new isotope synthesis and production, lifetimes, masses and decay modes measurements, nuclear reactions and spectroscopy studies. However, the emphasis of the project will be put on the storage ring physics with ultimate goal of electron-RIB scattering studies in collider experiments.
- DERICA concept combines primary beams generation provided by the cw-LINAC up to uranium with energy ~100 AMeV, in-flight production of RIBs by projectile fragmentation technique, stopping RIBs by gas catcher, re-acceleration by LINAC-synchrotron combination. The re-accelerated RIBs are then used for reaction studies and for storage ring experiments.
- The key facility defining the success of DERICA project is “driver” accelerator for primary heavy-ion beams: a high-current superconducting cw-LINAC. Technical design of the LINAC-100 driver for the exotic nuclei program of JINR Flerov lab is now being started. Progress of this design and proposed staged scientific program realization will be discussed during the meeting.