18–22 Jul 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Laboratory limits on the annihilation or decay of dark matter particles

18 Jul 2022, 18:10


Oral presentation (young scientists) Parallel 1B - Further experiments


Tim Michael Heinz Wolf (MPIK)


Several pieces of evidence point toward the existence of Dark Matter (DM). One detection strategy is the search for self-annihilation or decay into standard model particles. We present a novel technique to constrain the DM annihilation rate and the DM decay rate by employing Earth-based detectors such as XENON1T or Borexino. While the primary goal of these detectors is either direct detection of DM or neutrino measurements, we show that they can also study indirect detection of DM. The expected sensitivity of these detectors lies several orders of magnitude below the world-leading results, but this is a complementary approach with smaller astrophysical uncertainties, which broadens the scientific goal of these experiments.


Tim Michael Heinz Wolf (MPIK)

Presentation materials