An Error Analysis Toolkit for Binned Counting Experiments

19 May 2021, 15:00
Long talk Offline Computing Weds PM Plenaries


Dr Ben Messerly (University of Minnesota)


We introduce the MINERvA Analysis Toolkit (MAT), a utility for centralizing the handling of systematic uncertainties in HEP analyses. The fundamental utilities of the toolkit are the MnvHnD, a powerful histogram container class, and the systematic Universe classes, which provide a modular implementation of the many universe error analysis approach. These products can be used stand-alone or as part of a complete error analysis prescription. They support the propagation of systematic uncertainty through all stages of analysis, and provide flexibility for an arbitrary level of user customization. This extensible solution to error analysis enables the standardization of systematic uncertainty definitions across an experiment and a transparent user interface to lower the barrier to entry for new analyzers.


Dr Ben Messerly (University of Minnesota) Dr Rob Fine (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Andrew Olivier (University of Rochester)

Presentation materials

