Instructions to submitters

The submission of vCHEP2021 papers is now open. Your proposal must include both an abstract and a full paper in PDF format, a speaker must also be nominated (though can be changed later if needed). The paper submission is handled through INDICO and the submitter (as well as the speaker) must have CERN INDICO accounts.

Please read and follow the instructions below in order to insure a smooth submission and review process of your proposal.

  • Indico accounts. You will have to have an Indico account to submit a contribution. If you don't have a CERN account we strongly recommend EduGAIN authentication via your own institute (click the Login button at the top right to get started). If you don't have EduGAIN, then create a lightweight account at CERN following this this link. Note that non-HEP third party providers are not guaranteed to be accepted long term, so we do not recommend them.
  • Abstracts. An abstract must be provided. It should be 150-200 words. The abstract must be written down in the "Content" area of the submission form.
  • Papers. A paper must be enclosed in the proposal submission. The recommended length of the paper is 6 to 10 pages. The templates are available on the conference web page (LaTeX source, Overleaf LaTeX template, Word template). The submitted paper format should be PDF. The paper must be uploaded at the time of your proposal submission by using the "upload attachments" field of the submission form.
    • References:
      • Please note that the LaTeX templates do not use BibTeX in the examples, however this is both possible and recommended.
      • Add \usepackage{natbib} in the header and then \bibliography{my-papers-bib-file} at the end of the paper.
      • For referencing websites, please cite the title (italics), URL (as a link) and when the website was accessed. This can be achived in BibTeX with a @misc entry, e.g.
        •  @misc{homebrew,
                title        = "Homebrew",
                howpublished = "\url{}",
                year         = 2020,
                note         = "Accessed: 2020-03-06"
      • Which will produce:
  • Domains. Submitters of contributions are required to select an appropriate domain (due to technical limitations these are called "track" in the submission form). A proposal can be submitted to one domain only. Consider carefully the domain to which you wish to submit your paper - submitting to the wrong track will slow down the reviewing process. You can contact the PC Chairs if you would like to discuss this for your paper.
  • Themes. A list of technological areas and themes is proposed in addition to domains to help with the conference organisation. Consider the theme describing the best your paper. If this does not apply to your paper, you can provide us with your own theme keyword in the text area for this purpose.
  • Long presentations. If you would like your paper to be considered for a long presentation in the general session, please indicate that.
  • Speaker. The submitter should indicate a speaker among the authors at submission time, though this can change as needed (e.g., the initial speaker can be the submitter and the name can change later after the speaker is assigned by the Speakers Committee).

Note that at vCHEP2021 each speaker should only present one paper. In exceptional circumstances two papers may be allowed if the programme committe chairs agree, but two long presentations will not be allowed.

Once a submission is completed, the submitter, authors and co-authors will receive a confirmation notification at the e-mail adresses registered in INDICO. The submission can be found at the bottom of the "Call for papers" page of the conference. Another notification will be sent at the time of the decision when the papers review process is completed.

Note that papers will not be made public in Indico. If authors would like to make their paper more widely available in advance of vCHEP publication you are very welcome to upload your paper to arXiv and/or Zenodo.