Registration for the 25th (virtual) CHEP conference is now open. Instructions for joining conference sessions will be distributed to registered participants only, so it is important that you register. Thanks to the support of CERN there is no fee to attend vCHEP2021.
We also remind you that the call for contributions is currently open and will close on 28 February. More details about how to submit to vCHEP have been given in Bulletins #1 and #2, as well as in the instructions for authors.
- Registration opens: 2 February 2021
- Paper submission closes: 28 February 2021 (no extension)
- Paper acceptance notifications: 15 April 2021
- Conference: 17-21 May 2021
- Final paper revision for publication: 25 June 2021
If you have any further questions please contact us:
We very much look forward to your early registration and submissions.
Graeme, Simone, Benedikt, Catherine, Chiara, Stefan (Conference and PC Chairs)