ARCHIVER - Data archiving and preservation for research environments

19 May 2021, 18:32
Short Talk Distributed Computing, Data Management and Facilities Storage


Ignacio Peluaga Lozada (CERN)


Over the last decades, several data preservation efforts have been undertaken by the HEP community, as experiments are not repeatable and consequently their data considered unique. ARCHIVER is a European Commission (EC) co-funded Horizon 2020 pre-commercial procurement project procuring R&D combining multiple ICT technologies including data-intensive scalability, network, service interoperability and business models, in a hybrid cloud environment. The results will provide the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) with archival and preservation services covering the full research lifecycle. The services are co-designed in partnership with four research organisations (CERN, DESY, EMBL-EBI and PIC/IFAE) deploying use cases from Astrophysics, HEP, Life Sciences and Photon-Neutron Sciences creating an innovation ecosystem for specialist data archiving and preservation companies willing to introduce new services capable of supporting the expanding needs of research. The HEP use cases being deployed include the CERN Opendata portal, preserving a second copy of the completed BaBar experiment and the CERN Digital Memory digitising CERN’s multimedia archive of the 20th century. In parallel, ARCHIVER has established an Early Adopter programme whereby additional use cases can be incorporated at each of the project phases thereby expanding services to multiple research domains and countries.


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