Streaming Readout of the CLAS12 Forward Tagger Using TriDAS and JANA2

19 May 2021, 17:53
Short Talk Online Computing Streaming


Tommaso Chiarusi (INFN - Sezione di Bologna)


An effort is underway to develop streaming readout data acquisition system for the CLAS12 detector in Jefferson Lab's experimental Hall-B. Successful beam tests were performed in the spring and summer of 2020 using a 10GeV electron beam from Jefferson Lab's CEBAF accelerator. The prototype system combined elements of the TriDAS and CODA data acquisition systems with the JANA2 analysis/reconstruction framework. This successfully merged components that included an FPGA stream source, a distributed hit processing system, and software plugins that allowed offline analysis written in C++ to be used for online event filtering. Details of the system design and performance are presented.


David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab) Dr Fabrizio Ameli Marco Andrea Battaglieri (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) Mariangela Bondi (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Andrea Celentano (INFN-Genova) Dr Sergey Boyarinov (Jefferson Lab) Nathan Brei (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) Tommaso Chiarusi (INFN - Sezione di Bologna) Raffaella De Vita Dr Vardan Gyurjyan (Jefferson Lab) Paolo Musico (INFN e Universita Genova (IT)) Carmelo Pellegrino (INFN) Ben Raydo (Jefferson Lab) Dr Cristiano Fanelli (MIT) Simone Vallarino (INFN)

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