31 July 2022 to 5 August 2022
Europe/London timezone

Experimental hadron spectroscopy: an overview

1 Aug 2022, 09:00
Talk Hadron spectroscopy Hadron spectroscopy 1


Wolfgang Gradl (University of Mainz) Wolfgang Gradl (University of Mainz) Wolfgang Gradl (Uni Mainz, Inst.f.Kernphysik)


Hadron spectroscopy, the study of states bound by the strong interaction, has received renewed interest in recent years, motivated by the discovery of states that to not conform to the usual classification of mesons (q qbar) or baryons (qqq). This opens up a new field of spectroscopy for these unconventional states. In this talk I will give a short overview of the field and present several recent observations of unconventional states containing heavy quarks found at LHCb and BESIII.

Preferred track Hadron Spectroscopy
Subfield Nuclear experiment
Attending in-person? Yes


Wolfgang Gradl (University of Mainz) Wolfgang Gradl (University of Mainz) Wolfgang Gradl (Uni Mainz, Inst.f.Kernphysik)

Presentation materials