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CLEAR Review 2021


The CLEAR facility started operation in 2017. At the time, a 2+2 years programme was outlined, with an intermediate review passed in February 2019. After the first 4 years of operation, CLEAR has been included in the CERN Medium Term Plan, covering the period 2021-2025, approved by the CERN Council in September 2020.

With this in mind the CLEAR review on Tuesday 16th March will cover the following points:

  • Is the continued operation of the CLEAR facility for the next 5 years justified?
  • Are the current level of resources in terms of both manpower and material budget adequate for efficient operation of the facility?
  • Have the recommendations of the 2019 review been followed?
  • Are the proposed consolidation and upgrade plans:
    - justified?
    - covered in terms of manpower and budget?
    - in-line with providing the beams required by users researching in areas aligned with the global CERN strategy?
  • Have all general safety aspects related to continued operation been assessed and taken into account?

The review will recommend on the future operation and future programme of the CLEAR facility.

Review committee: Gianluigi Arduini (Chair), Giovanni Anelli, Markus Brugger, Jean-Paul Burnet and Alessandra Lombardi

Some selected information:                   CLEAR web page
First CLEAR Review 7-2-2019 


NEW: please find the Final Report of the CLEAR Review Committee below: