SUSY Breaking ‘11

SUSY Breaking '11
A joint CERN TH -- IPPP Durham workshop
This 6-day meeting is modelled on a previous extremely successful meeting in Durham in 2009 (see here). It will focus on new ideas in the field of supersymmetry breaking with special attention being paid to new and forthcoming LHC results.
Topics to be discussed:
Models and mechanisms SUSY breaking and mediation
Phenomenological and experimental consequences
Dynamical supersymmetry breaking
Seiberg duality, duality cascades and nonperturbative dynamics
Fine-tuning and hierarchy problems, including mu and B mu
String theory realisations of supersymmetry breaking
Format: The meeting will be based around themed talks with long spaces for discussion.
Registration: The attendance will be limited to around 60 people. There is no registration fee. Registration will be open until March 31, 2011.
Local Organization: Steven Abel, Csaba Csaki, Christophe Grojean, Gian Giudice, Valya Khoze, Hitoshi Murayama (to be confirmed), Riccardo Rattazzi.
The meeting will be partly supported by
° the Marie Curie Initial Training Network "UNILHC" PITN-GA-2009-23792,
° the ERC Advanced Grant "MassTeV" 226371,
° and the CERN-TH unit,
° and the IPPP Durham.