12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
Contributed Talks
(until 3:15 PM)
1:30 PM
A Deep Learning Approach to Particle Identification for the AMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Raheem Hashmani
(Middle East Technical University (TR))
1:45 PM
A Normalized Autoencoder for LHC triggers
Luigi Favaro
2:00 PM
Interaction Network Autoencoder in the Level-1 Trigger
Sukanya Krishna
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
2:05 PM
Large CNN for HLS4ML and Deepcalo
Lin-Chi Yang
Yan-Lun Huang
ChiJui Chen
2:10 PM
End-to-end acceleration of machine learning in gravitational wave physics
Alec Gunny
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2:15 PM
FastML Science Benchmarks: Accelerating Real-Time Scientific Edge Machine Learning
Jules Muhizi
(Fermilab/Harvard University)
2:30 PM
Robust anomaly detection using NuRD
Abhijith Gandrakota
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
2:45 PM
Quantized Neural Networks on FPGAs using HAWQ-V3 and hl4ml
Javier Ignacio Campos
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
3:00 PM
Implementing Deep Neural Network Algorithms inside the CMS Level-1 Trigger
Duc Hoang
3:15 PM
--- Coffee ---
3:45 PM
Contributed Talks
(until 5:15 PM)
3:45 PM
Real-time image processing for high-resolution imaging detectors
Georgia Karagiorgi
4:00 PM
Semi-supervised Graph Neural Networks for Pileup Noise Removal
Shikun Liu
4:05 PM
A Machine Learning Software Infrastructure for Gravitational Wave Signal Discovery
Ethan Marx
4:10 PM
Online-compatible Unsupervised Non-resonant Anomaly Detection
Vinicius Massami Mikuni
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
4:15 PM
In-System Parameter Update and I/O Capture for Machine Learning IP Cores
Brett McMillian
(Crossfield Technology LLC)
4:30 PM
Detection for Core-collapse Supernova and Fast Data Preprocessing
Andy Chen
(National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU))
4:35 PM
EMD Neural Network Loss for ECON-T ASIC Autoencoder
Rohan Shenoy
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
4:40 PM
A novel ML-based method of primary vertex reconstruction in high pile-up condition
Haoran Zhao
(University of Washington (US))
4:45 PM
In-Pixel AI: From Algorithm to Accelerator
Priyanka Dilip
(Stanford University / Fermilab)
5:00 PM
Autonomous real-time science-driven follow-up of survey transients
Niharika Sravan