This workshop is the fourth in the ALEGRO workshop series. Previous workshops: ANAR2017 CERN, ALEGRO2018 Oxford, ALEGRO 2019 CERN
After a four-year hiatus the ALEGRO (Advanced LinEar collider study GROup) Workshop is returning. As in past iterations, the workshop will concentrate on addressing the recent progress and necessary steps towards realising a linear collider for particle physics based on novel-accelerator technology. Unique to this iteration will be two special sessions dedicated to updates on the relevant aspects of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) Roadmap Process.
It will be held at the DESY campus from March 22 to 24, 2023.
This workshop is endorsed by the International Committee for Future Accelerators.
The registration fees per person including coffee breaks and workshop dinners are
Both registration and abstract submission will be handled via a CERN indico page. For the registration a CERN account is required.
In case you do not have a CERN account you can open one using the following link:
For first particle physics applications and potentially, as a basis for a future collider test facility
For first particle physics applications and potentially, as a basis for a future collider test facility
State-of-the-art and its relevance to collider development,
State-of-the-art and its relevance to collider development, including discussion