Muon Collider Physics Benchmark Workshop


In comparison with electron colliders and hadron colliders, the muon colliders incorporate both advantages of the clean environment of lepton colliders and the high-energy reaches of muon beams. As a consequence, a high-energy muon collider suits as an ideal machine to advance our understanding of the fundamental particles and interactions in high-energy physics. A few techniques have been demonstrated that a multi-TeV or 10 TeV muon collider is feasible in the future. It is thus the time to lay the physics cases to guide the machine and detector designs, and to identify the unique physics benchmarks to fully exploit its capability.

The physics topics include Standard Model bread and butter physics, WIMP dark matter, precision Higgs physics, new physics models, neutrino physics synergy, etc.

ORGANIZERS: Nathaniel Craig (UCSB), Tao Han (Pitt PACC), Da Liu (Pitt PACC), Zhen Liu (Minnesota), Donna Naples (Pitt PACC), Isobel Ojalvo (Princeton), Lian-Tao Wang (Chicago), Andrea Wulzer (Barcelona), Keping Xie (MSU)


Confirmed participants: Nima Arkani--Hamed (IAS), Innes Bigaran (Northwestern/FNAL), Kevin Black (Wisconsin), Dario Buttazzo (INFN), Rodolfo Capdevilla (FNAL), Cari Cesarotti (MIT), Karri DiPetrillo (Chicago), Tova Holmes (Tennessee), Sam Homiller (Harvard), Ryuichiro Kitano (KEK), Lary Lee (Tennessee), Ian Low (Northwestern), Kunfeng Lyu (Minnesota), David Marzocca (INFN), Isobel Ojalvo (Princeton), Davide Pagani (INFN), Mark Palmer (BNL), Juergen Reuter (DESY),  Ben Rosser (Chicago), Max Ruhdorfer, George Sterman (Stonybrook), Diktys Stratakis (FNAL), Raman Sundrum (Maryland), Zahra Tabrizi (Northwestern), Lian-Tao Wang (Chicago), Xing Wang (UCSD), Andrea Wulzer (Barcelona), Keping Xie (MSU)

Our previous muon collider workshop can be found here.

Workshop venue: Hilton Garden Inn, 3454 Forbes Ave.

Conference room: Forbes B

The Zoom room link for the conference is :

To acquire the Zoom room password, kindly send an email to any of the individuals listed in the Contact section.

  • A Ya
  • Abhishikth Mallampalli
  • Akshay Ghalsasi
  • Aman Desai
  • Amit Bhoonah
  • Andrea Wulzer
  • Arnab Dasgupta
  • Arthur Wu
  • Ayres Freitas
  • Benjamin John Rosser
  • Brenda Gomez
  • Brian Batell
  • Carl Vuosalo
  • Carolina Figueiredo
  • Cecilia Hanna
  • Da Liu
  • Dario Buttazzo
  • David Marzocca
  • Davide Pagani
  • Diktys Stratakis
  • Federico Meloni
  • Francis Burk
  • Innes Bigaran
  • Isobel Ojalvo
  • James Diskin
  • John Alison
  • Joni George
  • Juergen Reuter
  • Juhun Kwak
  • Keping Xie
  • Kevin Black
  • Kunfeng Lyu
  • Lawrence Lee Jr
  • Manami Kanemura
  • Mark Palmer
  • Matteo Cremonesi
  • Matthew Knauss
  • Matthew Low
  • Maximilian Ruhdorfer
  • Michael Wentzel
  • Michele Gallinaro
  • MOhamed Ismail
  • Monica Leys
  • Morgan Cassidy
  • Nadia Pastrone
  • Nima Arkani-Hamed
  • Raman Sundrum
  • Roberto Franceschini
  • Rodolfo Capdevilla
  • Rojalin Padhan
  • Ryuichiro Kitano
  • Samuel Homiller
  • Saurabh Saini
  • Shivani Lomte
  • Shuyang Cao
  • Si Wang
  • Sindhu Murthy
  • Tao Han
  • Vatsalya Sharan
  • Wenjie Huang
  • Xing Wang
  • Yuntong Zhou
  • Zahra Tabrizi