The high luminosity collected by the LHC experiments and the accurate theoretical predictions enable precise tests of the SM under unprecedented conditions. However, severe challenges need to be addressed in order to exploit this untapped potential. The vastness of the LHC data and the variety of possible measurements requires the exploration to be guided towards those quantities or differential distributions that can reveal new physics, compatibly with existing constraints, or that are expected to reveal new physics in concrete BSM scenarios. The possibility of predicting these observables with sufficient accuracy needs to be assessed, and ensured by precision calculations. Finally, experimental strategies need to be devised by which precise measurements are performed of the relevant observables.
The workshop will bring together experts from the theoretical and experimental communities working on SM precision calculations and on BSM physics for a joint assessment of the status of the field and of promising directions. The goal is to advance towards the design of novel experimental analyses with lower systematic uncertainties that will enable a comprehensive and informative program of measurements of SM processes in the electroweak, top and Higgs sectors.
The workshop will have four main goals:
- identifying the limiting factors of the experimental analysis and providing reliable theoretical predictions (and related uncertainties) for promising observables to detect new physics effects such as tails of distributions, asymmetries, or ratios;
- devising new analysis strategies utilising the high luminosity that is currently available;
- comparing LHC results with bounds from non-collider experiments (e.g. EDMs, axion searches, …);
- developing applications of new theoretical ideas (e.g. positivity, helicity amplitudes, …).
The workshop will take place at the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual ( located in Benasque (Spain), between October 1 and October 7, 2023. Benasque is a beautiful village with a famous ski resort, located in the heart of the Pyrenees, close to the Spanish border with France. In addition to the auditorium, the Center offers desk space, ubiquitous black boards and several meeting areas. To ensure a productive workshop, attendance will be limited to a maximum of 50 participants. The agenda will also be kept light, allowing for plenty of discussion time.